Chapter Twenty: Alexa Carter (2)

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Recap: A few hours went by as I laid on the ground listening the the two royals talk.

This same routine went on for the next few days. But she never opened up. Not even a little. But she was very, very sweet. There was no way she could even hurt an ant. Even if she were to be upset. There's no way.

After I made them breakfast, the princess and I sat in the garden together while the prince talked with his mother.

She told me about the different flowers she liked. She said her favorite was white daisys. And I agree they are very pretty, but I prefer tulips..

She seems more open to me than the prince.

"Are you uncomfortable around the prince?", I ask.

She nodded softly. "He's a little too aggressive to my liking... I think I'm going to see if I can leave tonight.. he's nice and all towards me.. but he doesn't have a filter for his mouth.", she giggled then sighed. "For a maid or servant. You seemed to think more like a royal- y-you know?... I just.. you.. don't act like you're being used or.. like you're being slaved. I guess.. does the prince like you?..", she asked me.

I shrugged then nodded. "Enough to not get rid of me.. and thankyou..", I mumbled.

She nodded and stood. "I'm going to go pack my things ok?  Surprise me with my meal tonight. Your food is very good.", she giggled and walked inside.

I stayed out and messed with the tulips.

That's one princess down then.. we'll see the next one.. in a few days.. oh fun...

A few hours pass as I start to make the last meal of the day. With a special chocolate pudding on the side that I made. It's a small goodbye treat.

I walk upstairs and place the platter down. "Wow. A dessert too?", the prince looked at me.
I nodded then looked at ms carter as she happily enjoyed her meal and then the pudding.

After a few minutes she looked at me and giggled. "Thankyou.. that was amazing.", I nodded and grabbed their plates and the platter. I lost my grip in my right hand as I tried to save the platter with my left. I attempted to grip the platter, but felt a tight and painful pinch within and dropped the platter completely as a plate shattered and the silverware echoed against the floor. I whimpered loudly and squatted down gripping my left hand as I held it against my chest. I tucked my head down and fell on my butt.

I took a few deep breaths until I heard the prince growl. And I began to panic.

Ms carter got up quickly. "A-Are you ok? What happened?",

I shook my head. "I-I'm ok..", I mumbled.

"Well let me help..", she whispered and began to pick up the plate shards and placed them on the platter.

I quickly stopped her. "Th-this is my mistake.. you don't have to help.. I-I'll do this.", I mumbled and finished picking everything up.

The prince quickly grabbed ms carter and laid her on the bed. "Stay here.", he growled as I left the room quickly to put things away.

I set the dishes within the sink then sat on the ground and held my hand to my chest.

It hurts.. it hurts so much..

I glanced up to see a pretty angry prince. "I-I'm sorry sir...", I mumbled as tears formed in my eyes.

He sighed and relaxed. "Let me see your hand.", he said as he walked over and kneeled down to me.

I held out my left hand as it trembled. He grabbed and held my hand gently. "What happened in there?", he grumbled looking at me.

"I-... the platter sl-slipped from my hand s-so.. I tried using my left hand b-but when.. I-I tried to s-something pinched..", I muttered quickly as tears spilled over and ran down my face.

"Well calm down..", he said whilst releasing a very calming pheromone. "You're not in trouble. Just don't let it happen again. It's embarrassing. To me. And to yourself.", he let go of my hand and wiped my tears. "Let's go.", he muttered and left the kitchen.

I calmed down and took a few deep breaths. 'I'm ok.', I thought to myself continuously.

After a few minutes I made my way back up to his room. As I entered I saw that ms carter had fallen asleep, while the prince read.

I walked over and stood beside him. "Do you need anything b-before I go to sleep?", I asked softly.

"No. Get some rest.... Izuku...", he mumbled softly as I furrowed my brows. I nodded softly and walked over to my little rest area and laid down comfortably.

He called me Izuku... he called me by my name...

I curled up and closed my eyes falling asleep.

The night passed as usual but ms carter left really early in the morning. I wasn't able to make her breakfast. But that's less work for me I guess.

After we said our goodbyes the prince seemed agitated a bit. As we entered his room he turned to me. "I'm so glad she's fucking gone!",

I flinched and looked away and I began to clean his room. "Whys that..?", I mumbled.

"Because- she was just to quiet and shy! She wasn't open at all! The only thing I got out of her was that she liked flowers! Who in the hell likes flowers?! I will never marry a person who just likes flowers!", he continued to rant.

I like flowers...

I nodded listening. "What's so bad about liking flowers sir?", I glanced at him.

"It's too fucking girly!! If they like other things. Other than fucking flowers- then it's ok!! But if you just talk about flowers. God damn! She was just so—", he paused and sighed calming him self down.

"She was nice. And calm. She was just too quiet. Too much in her shell.", he concluded.

I nodded. "She's gone now... you'll have another princess with you next week. Maybe she'll be better..", I sat on the ground and yawned.

"Did she leave because there was something wrong with me?..", he mumbled and turned to me.

"Ah... s-sir.. she.. thought you were to aggressive to her liking...", I responded.

He furrowed his brows. "She left because of me?...",

I bit my lip then nodded. "I'm sorry", I mumbled and yawned again.

He sighed and walked over kneeling to me. "Mh-",

"Are you tired?", he stared at me.

I looked away and down. "Yeah a little...", I whispered.

"Go make me breakfast then you can sleep until lunch.", he stood. "And start me a bath.", he walked over to his bed and laid down.

I nodded and stood.

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