Chapter TwentyThree: Lilith Togami (2)

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Recap: He said that for the princess to hear- hes.. he's actually trying to have her like him.. is that it...
definitely is.. hopefully she gives him a chance.. that is.. if he continues to try.. she has yet to learn of his temper.. and attitude..

A few hours passed as I was about to leave to make lunch, that was until the princess stopped me.. "Can I accompany you?", she asked as I nodded in response.

That's an of request for a royal..

"Of course your highness.", I mumbled and walked out and downstairs as she followed behind.


The princess and I enter the kitchen while some of the other servants give me some looks, as usual I ignore and show the princess around the kitchen.

She smiles and grabs my hand pulling me to the pantry. "Let's make something interesting! Ok?", she looked at me as her smile grew. I nodded softly and I watched her grab a verity of items, things mostly contained in a sandwich.

"You toast each side of the sandwich in butter!", she giggled. "This is my favorite thing to eat!!", she giggled and began making food for two.

I stood behind watching her, she seemed very happy cooking..

She moved with ease, she had steady hands.

I wish I had steady hands still...


I looked back at some of the chefs snickering at me, probably because I'm letting a royal cook instead of doing it myself.

I looked down and sighed. They're annoying...

I glanced up at the princess, who seemed pissed at the other chefs. Hm... she has good hearing.

"For your information, I'm cooking, because I enjoy it. If you have a problem with it then you can get the hell out of my face and away from my presence.", she glared at the others and placed her hands on her hips as the others left.

"Thanks..", I mumbled and bowed slightly.

"Don't mind it. They were annoying anyways.", she shrugged and finished the food she was making.

After she plated them we walked back up to the princes room as she handed him his plate.

The prince looked at me then the princess and back at me with a slight glare. "Who made this?",

"The princess..", I mumbled and bowed my head.
"Because!- Because I wanted to cook... I enjoy it... it's a hobby of mine... Is there something wrong with that?", she sat on the bed looking at him.

The prince sighed and shook his head. "No... just have my servant do it... it's his job anyways",

I looked at her as she rolled her eyes and began eating.

Temper with attitude. Not.. a good match...

It was nearing night as I cleaned up the princes room and bathroom. I swept, and mopped, I did his laundry per usual. Tomorrow Princess Lilith wants to see the garden. So I'll show her that. And after we get back I'll make a snack for her...

I sat on the ground- or my "pallet"..

My wannabe bed...

I sat down and laid back looking at the wall. The prince and princess were talking about some book the prince has been reading. The princess sound utterly uninterested... but the prince seems to really enjoy this book..

Time passed as I waited for the prince and princess to fall asleep. Which eventually happened... I yawned and closed my eyes falling asleep after my self.

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