Chapter Seventeen: Don't Stare

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Recap: Apparently he has to go meet the brides right before lunch.. and I have to be there, I'm not looking forward to it...

After awhile the prince finally woke up, I stayed seated upon the pallet and looked up at him as I heard him sit up, he glanced at me then at the plate of food.
I looked down as he sighed and looked back at me.

"I thought I said you should take resting days. Why'd you make me food?", he said in a very gravely and tired voice. To be honest it was hot.. But I can't really think that way.. he's a prince.. as I am not... anymore anyways. Plus he's about to get a bride..

"Because its my job, and we have to be down stairs in the throne room, in about thirty minutes..", I explained.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "All I have to do is pick one right?",

"Well.. That's all the queen wanted you to know.", I mumbled.

"Excuse me?", he stood up and looked at me. "You know something I don't?", he walked over glaring down at me. I spoke to much...

"A-Aah.. we-well--",
"Spit it out!!", he screamed at me.
I flinched and spoke quickly. "Each princess will be staying a week with you and by your side so you see how'll they will act and speak around you!...", I tucked my head down. Hoping he wouldn't do much else than yell.
"You knew this and didn't tell me??!",

"I-I'm not your message boy..", I muttered and he stepped closer.
"Who told you this?!", he yelled at me.
"I-Iida!", I flinch and back away.
He grumbled and stepped back sitting on his bed.

"My mother set that up?",
I nodded quickly and stood walking to his closet grabbing his most formal wear and placed it on his bed. "I'd advise you to get ready sir...",
He grumbled and started putting on the clothes I provided him.
"Go shower.", he spoke sternly.
"Wh-what?", I stuttered.
"Go use my shower and bathe!", he yelled at me.
I flinched and nodded.
"I'll get you some stupid clothes.", he grumbled walking out of his room.
I walked into his bathroom and closed the door. I looked at the shower then the large mirror. "Hm...", I sighed and began getting undressed. I looked in the mirror and furrowed my brows..

When did I get so thin... I sighed and looked at the shower... it's see through.. Ugh...

I slowly step into the shower and started the water as it hid my face, it's cool, and it feels nice...

I rinse off my body and wash my hair, I glance at the door as the prince walks in. He placed some clothes for me on the counter.

I ignored him and continue to wash my body.

That was until I felt myself being watched. A very paranoid feeling. I ignored it, or I tried.

I glanced back, well that explains the feeling- Ah-

I covered my body and looked at the prince. "H-Hey!! Why're staring!!",

He shrugged and continued to stare at me, I watched as his eyes scanned my body.

I blushed profusely and turned away. "Don't stare!!"

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