Chapter Fifty-Three: Mild Cold?

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Recap: He was looking so pale.. his dark circles looked pretty bad too.. his cheeks were flushed, and he was shivering.
I stared at him for a few minutes.
Is he asleep?.. he looks so uncomfortable, is he really asleep??..
He barely opened his eyes glancing at me.
He's not asleep.
"You ok?.."
I furrowed my brows, his eyes look so dull.. somethings not right- somethings very wrong..
I slightly picked up my head. He kept silent, no answer, he just stared blankly. I felt my heart begin to race.
I panicked and sat up quickly grabbing his shoulders. "Kacchan!!?" He closed his eyes taking a weak deep breath, he exhaled shakily and muttered.
"I'm.. fine.. let me rest.."
somethings wrong. Something is very, very wrong!
"Kacchan?! Wake up!"
I shook him slightly as his head lolled to the side.
I put my finger under his nose, he's breathing.
Is he really this tired?? This is more than just being tired!
Am I overthinking?!
I placed my hand on his forehead. He was burning up. He's sick. How long has he been sick for?? He's not fine at all! Why did we come on this trip if he's unwell?!
I stood and ran inside.

His fever is way to high to be normal. He feels like he's boiling.

"Help! Kacchan needs help!"

Third Person Pov
"Calm down, what happened??" Kirishima approached Izuku.
"K-Kacchan! H-he's sick, he's- somethings wrong!.." Izuku panicked as Kirishima brushed him off.
"Bakugo always naps after he travels here, I'm sure he's fine. Let him rest." Kirishima placed a hand on Izukus shoulder to reassure him. But Izuku ignored as his eyes began to tear up.
"No! I know something is wrong!!" Izuku shouted as Mina came from upstairs and Denki came from the kitchen. They all stared at him.
"What happened?" Mina spoke up.
Tears began to fill his eyes.
"He thinks there's something wrong with Bakugo, but he always naps after he comes here.." Kirishima mumbled glancing at Mina who was behind him to the right.
"Yeah sounds about right." Denki shrugged who was behind on the left of Kirishima.

Izuku furrowed his brows.
"B-but.. he's- he has a fever.. please.."
Mina approached Izuku and sighed pitifully. "It was a long journey and he's in the Sun, just let him be, it'll be ok.. how about we keep you occupied until he wakes up, ok?"
Izuku furrowed his brows and took a step back. "No!" He shouted. "He's not well right now!.. he needs help!.."
"Come on.. we told you-" Kirishima was interrupted by Denki. "Maybe we should check on him.." he rubbed the back of his neck and walked towards Izuku.
"You guys can stay inside if you don't care.." Denki mumbled as he walked towards the front door as Izuku quickly followed.
They walked out and Izuku quickly made his way to Katsuki's side, he had been sweating bullets, his skin pale, but his cheeks flushed, his breaths were heavy and labored.
"Fuck..." Denki mumbled kneeling next to Katsuki.
"I don't know how to help him.." Izuku sniffled.
"H-he must've been sick when we came here- I-I didn't know..! I couldn't tell.. b-but somethings wrong.." Izuku exhaled shakily putting his hand on Katsuki forehead.

Katsuki shifted and hummed leaning into Izukus hand.
"H-.. He's burning up..."

"Let me get Mina, I'll be right back. Promise." Denki said standing. He then walked inside.

"Nothing was wrong right?"
"See we told you and the boy he was going to be fin-"
"No! Get your asses outside!!" Denki shouted. He felt bad because it was unlike him to yell, but his housemates were being ignorant.
Mina and Kirishima quickly got silent and walked outside as Denki followed behind.
Izuku was wiping the sweat off Katsuki's face, tears streaming down his face.
"Let's move him to a bed for now.." Mina mumbled as Kirishima quickly picked him up, and the three of them went inside leaving Izuku outside alone.

He sat there dumbfounded, not too sure what to do with himself. He stood leisurely and wrapped the cape around himself tight. The orange tulip that had been tucked into the fur of the cape fell and hit the floor Izuku looked at it and picked it up, it was beginning to wilt. He tucked it back into the fur and quickly went inside up to their guest room where the other three had been situated.

Mina was sat next to him while she casted a cooling spell to relax his fever.
Kirishima had been sat on the other side of the bed looking at katsuki.
"I-is there anything you guys can do?.."
Mina glanced at Izuku and sighed. "No, we don't have a ton of resources here, we'll do what we can but for now rest is going to be vital for him.."
"If it's get worse we'll have to take him back to the Bakugo kingdom.." Kirishima mumbled.
"We'd be putting ourselves in danger if we did that.." Mina mumbled.
"We won't have much of a choice.." he whispered glancing at her.
"We shouldn't risk it Kirishima.. it's too dangerous.."
Kirishima furrowed his brows and stood.
"Don't start. We are not talking about this right now." Mina glared at him then away looking at katsuki.

Izuku furrowed his brows confused but brushed it off and waited by the door waiting for them to finish up. They cooled him down and after a few they put a damp rag along his forehead.

"We'll come check on him later. It's probably just a mild cold, it rained last night, so he probably got sick then." Denki patted Izukus shoulder as the other two left.
"Thankyou for believing me.." Izuku glanced at him with a small smile.
"Of course. Uhm.. who are you to Bakugo?" Denki asked.
"Oh.. I'm just his servant.." Izuku shrugged a bit and looked down fiddling with his hands.
"I don't know about that, he brought you here and you're wearing his cape.. One time, Kirishima took it from him as a joke and Bakugo flipped his shit.. Kirishima couldn't shift to his dragon form for two whole weeks.."

Izuku stared. "Really?.. I see then.."
Izuku was reminded of the time Katsuki almost killed him because he touched it. But he shrugged the thought off.
"Well Thankyou.." Izuku mumbled as Denki nodded and left.

Izuku quickly made his way to Katsukis side, he sat next to the paler boy. And watched him, Izuku waited for him to wake up.

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