Chapter Fourty-Four: Regret (3)

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(Part 3 of 4)
Recap: He spent hours with her, and he looks like he had so much fun.. he looks happy..
I'm glad he's not hurt, I'm glad she didn't do anything to him but show him kindness.. but she's taking him away from me.. and I don't like it..

She not staying.. I hope he doesn't get attached just because she's nice.. I turned and looked at him. "I don't care, I won't marry her, or any princesses."
I have no interest in any of the princesses. I don't care if they're perfect, or beautiful, or the definition of a goddess. I don't want it.
"Oh.." he mumbled with a small nod. He seems disappointed.. I shouldn't feel this way. I feel so dumb. I wonder if he is interested in her.. maybe he wants her to stay cause she's nice to him, does he think she likes him- does she like my servant? Does he like her? She doesn't seem to appear to be interested in me. I hate this feeling. I hate this. I huffed a bit and closed my eyes. "Night Deku.." This'll be the worst sleep of my life. I hate everything..
"Nigh' Nigh' Kacchan.."
I don't hate you..

Goodnight Izuku.. I hope you sleep well tonight..

When I woke up it was still pretty dark outside. I looked over towards Deku and he was sound asleep, like a rock. I'll let him sleep in today.
I really did have the worst sleep of my life.. I woke up early and irritated.. today is going to be the definition of waking up on the wrong side of the bed, I can feel it..

I waited for the sun to rise before got dressed and I headed downstairs, my dad was already there, I sat down and waited for the servants to bring out breakfast. Eventually, my mother and the princess walked in again talking. How do they find so much to talk about? My mother should just marry her since she likes her so much. It's tedious.
They sat down and Abigail was the one who brought out breakfast. I made I contact with her but she bowed her head and set our plates down then left. I appreciate her respect.. I thought all the other servants here were useless but I suppose not.
"Where's Izuku?" The princess looked at me.
"Why?" I glanced at her before I began to eat.
"He should eat shouldn't he? Is he ok?"
I sighed and ignored her. It's none of her business.
"Katsuki. Be respectful." My mother butted in.
I sighed. "Sleeping" I mumbled and continued eating.
The princess didn't speak for the rest of breakfast, well until I left, I left early and headed to the kitchen, as soon as I left the room she struck conversation with my mother. It annoys me so much. She annoys me so much.

I entered the kitchen and Abigail and a few other servants were cleaning up.
"Is there any left overs?" I walked over to Abigail who was doing dishes.
"Your highness?.. Oh- uhm.. no I'm sorry.."
"Why do you guys make so little?" I watched her. I see some of the servants staring at us in my peripherals. They should mind their own business.
"We dont.." she mumbled. Shes uncomfortable.
I glanced around, it obvious why she's uncomfortable.. I shouldn't care much but I think I'll need her help again. "I'll wait til everyone's done, don't leave after." I walked out and stood outside the kitchen door.
I watched each servant leave the kitchen, each one glancing at me and scurrying away. Some whispering to eachother. It's annoying..
They live here, they shouldn't be so surprised to see a royal around..
After a few minutes, I peaked inside and just Abigail was left. I walked in.
"Why is there never any food after a meal?"
She jumped and looked at me. I startled her.
"Your highness.." she bowed her head. "Sometimes there is.. we make enough to feed the royals plus all the servants. Before we bring food out we see how many people are at the table, then divi up the rest between us since we have to eat too."

That makes sense. But there's not enough for my servant.
"Would you like me to make something else for you, your highness? Are you still hungry?"
I shook my head. "No, I need your help to make something."
"Oh?.. again? Why are you trying to make food?.. I can do it for you."
"It's none of your business and not for me." I glanced away and around the kitchen trying find something I can make for Deku.
I don't know what to make for him.. "what's a good breakfast item?"
"Oh, uhm.. hm.. eggs and toast is a easy and rather nutritious breakfast. We can make that if you'd like. I'll get out the items for you."
She scurried and gathered what I needed and placed it on the counter top, then handed me an apron. "Again?.." I mumbled.
"You'll get your clothes dirty sir.."
I sighed and took it. "Fine." I put it on and looked at all the ingredients. I don't know where to start.. it's not as many as when I made the soup last night.
"Here.." she put a pan on the stove top and turned it on then lit a match and then lit the stove. "Just let that heat up for a couple minutes. You can whisk the eggs while it does that."
"Whisk eggs?.." I stared at her.
"Wha-" she giggled and grabbed a bowl. Then grabbed two eggs and handed me a egg. "Crack them carefully without getting the shells in the bowl. Like this:"
She cracked it with the countertop and then opened it with her thumbs as the insides of it plopped into the bowl. That was disgusting. But I copied. "You got a little shell in it, but thats ok." She took the shell out and then handed me a whisk. "Start whisking, I'll put some cream in it so they're fluffier."
I nodded and just stirred it as she grabbed the cream.
She walked back over and put just a little in. It didn't look like enough.. "it's not a cake, you have to whisk is small circles to break the yolks." She took the bowl and showed me. I don't know what the difference is but whatever. I sighed and took it back and copied her.
She put some spices in then put a slab of butter in the pan which melted quickly.
"When you think it's whisked well just put it in the pan."
I glanced at her then the bowl. I think it's good.. I poured it in and it sizzled a bit.
"Now here's a wooden spoon, what you'll do is, as it cooks from the bottom, you'll scrape it to the side so the uncooked part at the top switches places with the cooked part."
"Like this?.." I did as she told me and she nodded. "Ok I'll make the toast for you. Just do that and I'll check on it when I'm done."
I sighed and continued what I was doing. After a couple minutes she brought over a plate with two pieces of toast, then looked at the eggs. "They're almost done." Just a few more seconds. I nodded and continued until she took over and turned the stove off then put the eggs on the plate. "And that's all. Here try them, what do you think?" She took a small piece of egg from the plate and handed it to me. I took it and tried it, it was good enough for Deku. I'm excited for him to try it. I'm sure he'll eat breakfast since he didn't eat dinner yesterday.. "so?"
"It's fine." I mumbled and took the apron off. She took it from me then cleaned the mess. "Are you done now?"
"Yeah. I'll be leaving."
"Ok, I'll clean up."
"Th- Thanks." I mumbled and took the plate. I left and started my way to my room. I hope he's still sleeping. I'll have to wake him up. When I got to the stairs he had my basket of laundry. My cape wasn't on his shoulders, nor was it in the laundry basket. "Deku? What are you doing? Where's my cape?"  He paused and looked at the food then at me.
"I left it on your bed.. I-I.. I was going to do your laundry.. should I not?.."
I want him to eat, he hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday..
"why don't you eat first?"
"I can eat after. I've already brought the basket down. So it's ok."
It's not ok. I sighed and passed him, "Be quick. Your plate will be in my room."
Hopefully this time he's quick.. I don't want it to be cold..
I trust him..
I continued my way up the stairs. I really hope he's quick.. he's always been pretty fast when doing laundry so I don't have much to worry about.
I entered my room and placed the plate on the bedside table next to my book. Hopefully his food stays warm until he's back..
I sat on my bed and grabbed my book reading, it passes time, and I'm not very patient so it keeps me occupied.
I read until his food got cold, it won't taste as good anymore, and he won't like it.
It'd had been at most 45 minutes. He's taking too long. He never takes this long. I told him to be quick.
I put my book down and glanced at the food. It doesn't even look good anymore. He usually listens so well. Why isn't he anymore. Is she with him this time. She's pissing me off. Him not listening is pissing me off.
I'm just pissed off, I woke up irritated, and the princess butting in Dekus business is irritating me even more.. she's affecting me too.. not just Dekus work..
This shouldn't happen two days in a row. Why am I trying so hard? Right now it's like he doesn't care. I'm so pathetic.
I sighed and walked into the bathroom and glance in the mirror.
I should calm down, I can't. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm furious.
I need to go find Deku. It's unlikely something happened to him, but he's taking too long. It's almost been an hour. I'm not waiting any longer.
I walk out of the bathroom and then towards my door.
What if I'm over reacting and he really is still doing laundry.. it wasn't a lot of laundry though.. The princess is with him- that's the only explanation I can think of.. My blood is boiling..
I'm finding him.

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