Chapter Eight: Pushed Away

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"Sir.. I'm feeling a bit tired from today can I go rest?",

Tenya sighed. "Yeah. But Tomorrow I will assign you a specific department that you will work in.",

Izuku nodded and left with a bow. He walked back to his small room and closed the door. The room was a mess. The sheets were stained and dirty, the floor has covered in dust and there were cobweb everywhere. "Ugh... Maybe I should have looked inside when he was showing my room to me..", Izuku frowned and yawned. "Mhn", he sighed and entered the room and started to clean. It took him two exhausting hours. Finally, he felt comfortable enough to lay in the old creaky bed. Izuku frowned. "The floor Is better...", he whined and closed his eyes. "Being a servant sucks... being homeless is better.." Izuku mumbled about to drift off to an uncomfortable slumber.

Note: So it seems from now one everything will be in Izuku's Point of View. Now noted, if I change it to someone else's Point of View it will be mentioned. And If The Point of View changes to Third Person that will also be mentioned. Now, Thankyou for taking your time to read this small message. And my story. :)

I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around for a minute confused on where I was. Then it hit me. Oh right.. I'm now a servant... In the Bakugo Kingdom. I already hate it. A few years ago, the prince beat me to a pulp twice. Then just yesterday he hurt me for things that I can't control. But I guess these royals are spoiled brats. Like Prince Katsuki, plus not only is he spoiled as can be, but his scowl and face is terrifying. At least smile and be more friendly. But im just a servant now, like I can actually say anything without getting beat, beside he probably has already forgotten about me.

I sigh and slowly stand up with a stretch, my back popping. My back hurts. This bed is so uncomfortable.. Its just springs, But I shouldn't be complaining really, I got a place to sleep, anyways, I look around, then there's a knock at the door. But I already have a feeling I know who it is. Tenya Iida, the supervisor of the servants and maids. Im going to figure out what department I'm working in.

I walk over to the door and open it, the door is very sqeaky and annoying. He greets me with overly aggressive hand gestures, "It seems you're ready to start the day! I already have a department in mind for you!", He yells as I cover my ears. "y-yes sir..", I stutter, he is way to loud for my liking. My ears are too sensitive for that...

I follow Tenya all the way the maid department. I guess is my new work space..
"Well here you are. I'd put you in the kitchen. But that's an Omega job. And as far as I can tell you're a beta.", I tilted my head to the side. I'm not a beta... I'm an omega, I just have never gone into heat before... thats good though... no alphas will mess with me.. so I have heard... I've never really seen an alpha attack an omega for such needs... but I'm sure the stories are true-
"Maids don't need to work everyday. Because most rooms don't get used. But please be diligent with your work. The other maids will come soon so sit tight.", and then he left.

I sighed and waited for the others. After a few minutes they began to walk into the room, I received some glares... One women came up to me and told me not to do anything. Another told me I'd be useless. I don't understand what I did wrong. But I assume they like their jobs.

While others went out and did their jobs, I simply just sat in the main room waiting. Im bored though. It's so quiet..

I slowly sit down and sigh. Maybe I can help tomorrow...

Trying to be a servant sucks... it really does.. and it seems like no one wants my help... Maybe I said something wrong... I'll apologize when they get back..

A few hours pass, and I guess I'm still waiting for them to come back- oh.. speak of time.. I stand slowly, and greet them with a smile.

They saw me.. I guess they don't care. "I-I'm sorry if I did something wrong...", I stutter...
"You fine we just don't need or want your help. You don't have to come here anymore. Just stay in your room.", she sounds mad.
"We don't need a male maid.", another said.
"Oh... I-I'm sorry... I-I'll leave", and with that I nodded and left to my room.

I guess I'm not wanted here either...

I enter my room and shut the squeaky door. I sigh, sliding down the door bringing my knees to my chest.

This really does suck..

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