Chapter Fouty-Eight: Preparation

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Recap:He dragged his feet following behind. He was in shock. She knows. I know she knows. She knows about Dekus situation. She doesn't know the full story, but she's smart enough to have an idea. How could she decide to be so heartless now..
How could she even fathom that I'd want to meet the daughter of that miserable family. She's younger than Deku- that's too young. And she's a beta. She might as well have been a servant or maid. They fucked up getting rid of their rare, male omega.

He's mine now.

Katsuki's Pov:
After the conversation with my mother she tried to immediately make me meet the next princess, but I had to decline. Not only was I livid, but Deku needed a few days to calm down. He's still been distant, he hasn't been talking much lately, he listens very well and he's been eating well too. He only eats twice a day but I'm proud of him.. I know he struggles.

I've been rather anxious to meet the next princess, I don't want to, I don't even want to see them. All of them have been absolutely terrible, not a single one of them is right for anyone.
How could they all be so.. useless.
I wonder if Deku was still a prince, if the Midoriya kingdom would have had us meet. I wonder if things would click then.. I wonder how different he would be..

I'm sure it was jarring for Deku to find out he has a sister.. If..
If he was exiled from the kingdom when he was four, they must've started trying as soon as he wasn't in the picture. She'd be four to five years younger. Dekus about sixteen, seventeen I think. Holy shit, what is my mom thinking. That's a child.. makes me nauseous.. I can't believe the Midoriya kingdom is fine with it. All they had to agree to was the contract, but meeting their daughter is.. gross.

I had been sitting on my bed while Deku mopped the floors.
"Hm?.." I hummed glancing at him.
"Are you hungry?.. I finished the floors.." His voice was quiet, he was being passive. "No, why don't you sit and rest for a bit."
He nodded and walked around my bed sitting next to me.
I looked back at my book. I don't think I've even been reading. This entire time I've just been in my head staring at it.
I exhaled. My hand hasn't stopped throbbing since the 'accident'.. I'll call it that for now.. Deku hasn't noticed yet so I've been doing well with hiding it, but I think it's been getting worse, it hasn't improved at all, and if anything it's been hurting more. I also have a progressing headache. Enjoyable.

I've been debating on taking Deku on a 'trip' it's more of an adventure, well it will be for him. Not so much me.. I can probably postpone the princess things. There's only two more not including the Midoriya bitch. I won't allow her in my room. Or near it. And I won't let them learn that Dekus here. I wonder how they would react. I think most kingdoms and them just assume he's dead. It's logical considering the age he was when he was abandoned.
I glance at Deku. But there he is, in full. Alive- I don't know about well.. he's getting there though.

"We should tell my mom the full story."
"What?" He tilted his head looking at me.
"Your backstory.. she might revise having the Midoriya's here."
He hesitated and shook his head. "She might use it as an opening for me to meet them Kacchan. I'd rather just hide while they visit.. No one needs to know the full story.. no one needs to know I'm here.." he mumbled fidgeting with his fingers.

I nodded and sighed. "Should we go on a trip Deku? We can postpone the princesses." I sat up setting the book on my bedside.
"There's only one princess left Kacchan.." he mumbled picking at his cuticles. He completely brushed off my suggestion.
But I furrowed my brows confused. "There's two left."
"No.. there's one princess, uhm.. E-Elle Giovanni.. and a prince.. uh.. I think he was from the Cosmic Kingdom.. uhm.. oh, his name was Jun.." he basically mumbled to himself.
"A Prince?- ah.. that's right. The purple haired guy.." I mumbled to myself.
"Your mother told us a few days ago about it.. why don't we just get them over with?" He looked at me.
"I'm not in the mood for them Deku.. let's take a break.."

He nodded. "I'll follow you where ever Kacchan."
I liked that answer.
"We'll pack some necessities tonight, and we'll leave tomorrow morning. It'll be a long journey."
He nodded and laid back in my bed.

I looked down and fiddled with my right silk glove gently. The swelling has gotten worse, the bruising hadn't been improving, and the cuts bleed every time I take the wrap off. The throbbing doesn't stop and the pain has been slowly moving up my forearm. I believe I should be worried about it. Rinsing it with water isn't enough. I should go to the recovery headquarters but I don't want to deal with her useless ass disparage.
Does that make me weak?

I slowly exhale and sit back against my head board.
Jun cosmic..

Jun cosmic, he's the prince with the interesting colored eyes.. they entirely contrast to his hair, which is just a bunch of different purples. Howd his parents manage to make someone like him.. I don't remember if he's an omega or beta.. I believe he's an omega.. yeah, how'd the cosmic kingdom manage to pop out a Prince like that. I'm pretty sure my mom announced him a specific way when he presented himself here awhile ago. Is it because he's a male omega? Or a prince.. both maybe. Who does my mother take me for..?

The Cosmic Kingdom. The kingdom with some of the strongest ores and metals. The one kingdom that could change ours for the better.. But spending my entire life with- is it worth the aid? Why cant my mom just make contracts with everyone. We are in good terms with pretty much every kingdom. We cause no hostility or problems.. it should be easy.

I'll actually have to marry.. I hate the idea of that.. this is so not exciting..

Night fell as Deku and I packed small shoulder bags. They held simple changes of clothes and I had Abby make a few days worth of food. I packed some wrap for my hand, and some cloths just in case. I also packed a dagger, Ive encountered so many dangers outside the kingdom. It's best to be safe. It'll be a struggle using it with my hand the way it is, but in a life or death situation I don't think it'll matter much.
I think Deku will be fine considering the stone around his neck benefits him.

"We'll wake up early tomorrow Deku." I mumbled as he laid next to me and closed his eyes. "Ok.. goodnight.."

I watched as he fell asleep. "Goodnight.." I exhaled and scanned his sleeping face before I closed my eyes. I'm sure this'll be fun for him.

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