Chapter Fifty-Four: Nice to Meet You Two

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Recap: Izuku sighed and waited by the door waiting for them to finish up. They cooled him down and after a few they put a damp rag along his forehead.

"We'll come check on him later. It's probably just a mild cold, it rained last night, so he probably got sick then." Denki patted Izuku's shoulder as the other two left.
"Thankyou for believing me.." Izuku glanced at him with a small smile.
"Of course. Uhm.. who are you to Bakugo?" Denki asked.
"Oh.. I'm just his servant.." Izuku shrugged a bit and looked down fiddling with his hands.
"I don't know about that, he brought you here and you're wearing his cape.. One time, Kirishima took it from him as a joke and Bakugo flipped his shit.. Kirishima couldn't shift to his dragon form for two whole weeks.."

Izuku stared. "Really?.. I see then.."
Izuku was reminded of the time Katsuki almost killed him because he touched it. But he shrugged the thought off.
"Well Thankyou.." Izuku mumbled as Denki nodded and left.

Izuku quickly made his way to Katsuki's side, he sat next to the paler boy and watched him and waited patiently for him to wake up.

Izukus POV

It had been a few hours since they moved kacchan into the guest room. I've changed the rag out every hour, his fever isn't really going down. Mina's come in once more to cool him off, and Kaminari comes in every thirty minutes to check on us. I think it has been about an hour since he's last come in. It's probably because not much is changing..
He looks so... he looks like he's over heating...
I furrowed my brows and rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. I grabbed a dry rag from the bedside table and patted his face and chest down. His fever is too.. it's so bad.. he's burning up.. nothing is really.. helping.. I glanced at his gloves and took the left one off then the right. His hand..
His hand what-
It's bleeding? Was?
I grabbed it looking at his swollen wrist, it was red, it was hot. I slowly unwrapped the tainted wrap, his fist.. it's, the scabs are discolored.. when did he do this? How? Why?.. why did he hide it? It's so swollen- it's infected..

"Anything new Izuk- Whooa-!"
Kaminari rushed over looking at Kacchan's hand.
I glanced at him, "I-I didn't know- I don't know how- when? I'm sorry.. I really..- I should've kno-"
"Ok. Ok. Calm down.. It's fine.. I think we're going to have to take-"
"No!" Mina yelled standing by the door. "We can't go! I'm not going. We're. Not going."
I glanced at her as she had her brows furrowed.
"We have to! We don't have a choice!" Kaminari argued.
I don't understand what's so scary..
"Why?..." I mumbled glancing at Mina.
"It's dangerous! I mean it! We can't!" Mina yelled glaring at us. She's masking fear.. I can just feel it..
"Fine! Stay here. By yourself. I'm getting Kirishima." Kaminari stood walking past her bumping into her shoulder roughly.
She glared at him as he walked away then looked at me. She sighed and walked forward.
"Why? Why is it dangerous?.."
She scrunched her nose then shook her head. "Doesn't matter.." she mumbled.
"But.." I exhaled and looked at Kacchan. She won't tell me.
I stared at Kacchan's hand examining it. He must've had it before we left.. I asked him about it didn't I? Why did he lie? Is this because of me too?

Kaminari ran into the room picking up Kacchan. "Let's go!" He looked at me with urgency. I stood quickly and glanced at Mina.
"You coming or not?" Kaminari said beginning towards the door.
"N- I can't! I won't!" She yelled looking at the ground.
"Fine then stay." Kaminari sneered quickly running down the hallway and out the front door, I followed behind as Kirishima was in his large dragon form. "Get on!" Kirishimas voice was low, and sounded like a growl..

3rd person POV

They mounted Kirishima as his wings extended, the barrier dropped and he flapped them once as the trees shook and rustled and leaves flew about. Izuku looked around and gripped a spike on kirishimas back. "Is this safe?.."
Izuku muttered.
"It's fun.. but not under these circumstances.." Denki mumbled holding Katsuki tight.
Kirishima jumped slightly and flapped his wings and they began lifting into the air and eventually taking off towards the kingdom.
"Why is.. Mina scared?" Izuku asked hesitantly.
"We all are, but this is serious.. When we were younger Bakugo brought us back to his kingdom.. but we were "exiled" because of our heritage.." Kaminari mumbled.
"The queen really did that?" Izuku glanced at him as he shook his head. "No, we never got to meet her.. The guards did. They have so much power believe it or not. They put us in the dungeon, and Bakugo snuck us out.. but we were left there to die and the guards gave all of us.. a near death beating- we were just kids- we-.." he paused and sighed. "We didn't know any better.. none of us did.."
Izuku felt a pang in his chest. He knew exactly what he meant, he experienced it too, a terrifying experience no one should have to go through, especially not a child. He furrowed his brows and glanced at the landscape below.
Kaminari gripped Katsuki clothes, he sighed and closed his eyes tilting his head down.
Izuku nodded slightly. "Th-That's truly.. terrible..."
"We're just hoping it doesn't happen again.."
Izuku furrowed his brows.. he assumed the reason for staying away was bad, but now he was aware it was a lot worse than he thought.
Izuku glanced up slightly seeing the kingdom in the distance.
"The medic headquarters is closest to the garden, so land a bit ways from there.. don't.. destroy the flowers please.." he muttered the last sentence.
Kaminari laughed. "I think the flowers are the least of our problems, but ok.."
Izuku blushed embarrassed.
After sometime, they began to approach the kingdom. As they got closer they hear sirens and horns going off. "They know we're here!" Kirishima growled. "Behind the garden..!" Izuku yelled as Kirishima quickly lowered them to the ground behind the garden. They quickly got off as they landed and Kirishima shifted. Izuku ran towards the doors past the gardeners as the other two followed with katsuki in hand. The gardeners watched in confusion and shock.
Izuku ran inside and towards medical headquarters,
"Ms Chiyo!.. Ms-"
"What is it no-"
She turned towards the door and saw the four of them. "There's sirens going off wha- Oh dear.."
She moved quickly and hustled them to lay Katsuki on a cot.
"Explanation??", She demanded removing his shirt, checking his temperature, examining his body before she comes across his hand. "Oh-" she hiccuped looking at it.
"He!- he was hurt before we left!.. His hand!.. I-I don't know how it happened.. I asked him about it but he wouldn't tell me.. he didn't even tell me it was hurt.." Izuku rambled quickly as Chiyo looked at him and sighed. "I have work to do.. Izuku go get the Queen.. You two.. aren't supposed to be here, lay low in here for a while..." She exhaled getting cold rags and medications.
Kaminari and Kirishima sat on a cot across the room and watched her as Izuku quickly left. He moved quickly to Queen Mitsuki's office. He knocked and opened the door. He glanced inside to see Queen Mitsuki standing at her window to the left behind her desk, her hands against the windowsill, her shoulders tense. "Yes?.." she sighed and glanced back. "Oh! Izuku!!" Her demeanor changed instantly as she turned around and walked towards him. She quickly ushered him inside and closed the door. "My son is just something isn't he?!" She laughed stressfully. "Leaves a letter on my desk that he's going to the country side with his friends! He's so selfish!" She exhaled a stress laugh. "Your highness.. he-"
"Please Izuku, just Mitsuki! I've told you this hun. What're you guys doing back?? It's early, no? You know Izuku he never tells me anything but I always know. Why is he so.. my Katsuki is.. Why does he take after me?" She walked back over to her window with a sigh.
"M- Queen Mitsuki-"
She sighed. "Yes Izuku?"
"Kacchan is hurt.. The sirens-"
"They're loud aren't they?.." she sighed. "He'll be fine.. Katsuki always pulls through.." she mumbled.
"Excuse me.. can I..-"
"Yes, explain Izuku." She turned to him with a smile.
"He told you he was visiting friends?.."
She laughed and shook her head. "Katsuki tells me nothing Izuku. Like I said. I just know. And he took you along this time. Was it fun?.."
Izuku shook his head. "It was.. Kacchan.. H-he hurt himself before the trip and didn't take care of it... H-he hid it and now he's.. he's not doing well.. T-the wound i-is bad Queen Mitsuki.. Ms Chiyo asked me to get you.."
"Fuck.." she muttered. She stood straight and straightened her attire out. "You know why the sirens are going off, right Izuku?" She started toward the door past Izuku. "Yes ma'am.."
"Follow and tell me. Guard haven't given any word yet." She muttered as Izuku followed behind her towards the Medical Headquarters. "Izuku tell quickly." She stated sternly walking quickly.
"U-uhm..! Katsuki has a dragon fr-friend!.. he- he flew us here because Kacchan was in bad shape.. They just saw his friend and the sirens started going off..."
Mitsuki nodded. "Thank you Izuku. Then there is nothing to worry about...?" She glanced at him slightly. Izuku silently nodded. She sighed entering the room. "Katsuki.." she walked over quickly looking at him. Her son drenched in cold sweat, brows furrowed, face flushed and labored breathing. Mitsuki glanced at his hand and scrunched her nose. "You big dummy. Chiyo when will he learn to control his anger..." she muttered disgusted.
Chiyo shrugged changing the rag. "He reminds me of you when you were younger Mitsuki..."
"I was never this spontaneous, stubborn.."
Chiyo laughed and shook her head. "His condition is weak. I've cleaned his wound, drained the infection, it doesn't look like anything is broken.. just displaced.. and swollen. The infection gave him his fever. As of right now I'm having it relax in a cold damp towel, after I'll let it soak in alcohol. I'll check the infection again, see if I can drain anything after the swelling is down. Soak it again and wrap it up after it dries.. After I have some.. powdered cinchona bark that'll help his fever go down.. He's strong. He'll be ok." Chiyo concluded.
Izuku exhaled and sat by the door wrapping Katsuki's cape around him tight, he glanced to look at the flower that no longer sat in the fluff. Izuku assumed it flew away on the ride to the kingdom. He tilted his head down while bringing his knees to his chest. It was only a flower, it never actually mattered..
Mitsuki nodded looking at her son. She sighed and shrugged it off. "He's my son. He's strong." She smiled and turned towards Kaminari and Kirishima. "You must be Katsuki's friends he always goes to see!.." she approached them confidently as they quickly bowed their heads. "Yes- yes your highness! Sorry for the abrupt intrusion!"
Mitsuki lifted their heads. "A friend of my son's is a friend of mine. I can tell you guys are good influences. I'm glad he had you guys. I'm sorry about the kingdoms dragon protocols. I'll let them know you guys are welcome whenever ok?" She shook their hands gently. "Your names?"
"I'm Denki Kaminari, and this is Eijiro Kirishima.." Denki smiled some. He felt welcomed. He wished Mina was there to experience Mitsuki's kindness.
"So you must be the dragon" Mitsuki smiled looking at Kirishima.
"How can you tell?.."
"I have an eye for things. If I can't notice things by glance or have some common sense what queen would I be?" She smiled. "Alright everyone. I have some things to attend to. Chiyo keep me updated. Izuku you're allowed to visit me whenever. And it was nice to meet you two." She concluded and left.
"Waaaah..." Kaminari's mouth dropped. "Bakugo's- the queen is awesomeee.." he whispered exasperated.
Chiyo laughed and continued to attend to Katuski.
"Ms Chiyo... when do you think Kacchan will be awake?.." Izuku muttered.
"Hm?.. I'm not sure Izuku.. could be today, tomorrow, days from now.. just be patient." She nodded softly with a sigh.

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