Chapter Twenty-Five: HideOut

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Recap: I felt as he stopped running his fingers through my hair and grabbed my left hand, he was so gentle with it, he gently traced the scars from the incident. I tucked my head down covering my face as I felt his lips press against the palm of my hand, "I'm sorry..", he mumbled after slowly putting my hand back down running his fingers ever so gently through my hair again.


Even after a few days, that one night still replays through my head. He doesn't even know I know it happened, but I'm happy I was awake during it.. because it makes me so happy knowing.. just knowing he cares a lot more then he lets off.

As of right now me and.. and Kacchan are laying in his hide out. He seems so much more relaxed here than in his room.. even when he's sleeping, he more relaxed here than there.. I enjoy seeming him so relaxed, including around me. Although I do have a question, he started calling me 'deku'? But I'm afraid to ask why.

"You're staring at me again.", he grumbled as I was pulled out of my thoughts. "S-sorry", I looked down embarrassed.

I can't help it.. I just doze off when looking at him..

"You look troubled", he sighed sitting up. "What's wrong?", he looked at me.

"I-.. k-Kacchan I have a question..", I'm still not entirely used to calling him Kacchan yet..

"Hm?", he rose a brow as I glanced at him. "Why do you call me d-Deku?..",
"Deku? Oh.. it's like a nickname.. but.. it's because 出久(Izuku), can also be pronounced as Deku.", he mumbled tracing my name out in the dirt. "What's it mean?..", I looked up at him. I didn't know that it could also be pronounced that way..

"Uhm.. it doesn't matter...", he grumbled looking away.
"Hmm.. that's no fair.. you got a better education than I did.. so I don't know..", I pouted jokingly.

He glanced at me and sighed, "it's just a nickname. It doesn't matter if it means something bad. Or good. Got it?",

I nodded a bit and looked up at the rustling leaves above us, the wind had been picking up, I shivered softly and looked down.

"It's a little cold with the wind today..", I stared at the grass wrapping my arms around myself for some warmth.

"Cause you're thin.", he grumbled standing.
"Ah?", I looked up at him as he took his cape off wrapping it around me. "That'll keep you warm..",

I looked down as he sat beside me. "You trust me with your cape?..", I glanced at him.

He looked at me then away, "sure.. just don't look at me like that... i-it's weird.", he mumbled.

Like what?..

I moved in front of him and slowly moved my way into his line of view, "like what? Hm?", I smiled laughing.

"O-Oi you're teasing me, stop it.", he looked away from me, in which I moved into his line of view again. "Am I?", I laughed a bit more moving closer.  "I'm just looking at you, no?", I smiled more watching as a smile crept onto his face. "Stop getting so close Deku.", he placed his hand on my face pushing me back. "You have big hands", I said a bit muffled as he moved his hand from my face.

"Maybe you just have a small face, hm?", he laughed a bit flicking my forehead. "H-hey... that's not very nice..", I pouted rubbing my forehead.

He shrugged looking away, "learn boundaries nerd.",

"If anyone is a nerd here.. it's you..", I mumbled
"Excuse me?", he looked at me leaning closer. "I'm hardly a nerd", his red orbs piercing through my green ones. "You act like one...", I whispered.

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