Chapter Eighteen: Royal Omegas

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Recap: I covered my body and looked at the prince. "H-Hey!! Why're staring!!",

He shrugged and continued to stare at me, I watched as his eyes scanned my body.

I blushed profusely and turned away. "Don't stare!!"

After a while he closed the door and left. I finished up my shower and got out drying my body off, after I looked at the clothes he brought me.

"A-A-Are you serious!? I'm not a girl!", he had brought me.. a dress... or.. Maid wear..

The prince entered the bathroom and looked at me, I quickly made sure to cover my self. "Put it on.",
"What??", I shook my head. "I'm not wearing a dress!!",

He growled at me. "Put it on you lowly poor Omega!!",
I flinched and backed up. "Y-yes your highness",
He nodded and left the bathroom as I put on the dress. I'm not a girl, I shouldn't have to wear such clothing.

I looked at myself in the mirror and ruffled the bottom. It's embarrassing..  I step out and look at him. "Y-Your Highness..", I mumbled as he looked at me. He grinned. "Omegas are really ugly in anything huh?", he laughed and left the room. "Let's go mutt!",

I looked down and sighed.

Am I really that ugly..? Maybe it's my eye...? maybe the scars upon my body...? my pale skin?.. Maybe it's my small body... O-Or my freckles?... is it my hair?.. is the green ugly...?

I begin to panic, I don't want to seem ugly, if I'm not good enough he'll throw me out and to the dungeons..!

I stand there messing with the dress as the prince once again come back up and looks at me. I heard him sigh. "You look fine, you're not ugly damnit. Now come down before my mother gets angry!", and with that he left back downstairs as I followed behind.

He doesn't think I'm ugly.. unless he said that to make me feel better..

I stand next to the princes thrown as a few princess stand before us. One prince... And six princesses..

As I look at them, some of there dresses are messed up, others hair is messy, one of them has a lot of gel in her hair..

I'd name names but I don't know their names yet..

I look down to hide a smile and a small giggle, the prince glanced at me, and I glanced up at him, I let out a small giggle as I saw his lip curl into a slight smile. "Be proper..", he mumbles to me, he knows exactly what I'm laughing about. His voice was even hiding a laugh. I take a deep breath and stand straight as Queen Mitsuki enters the room, and sits at her thrown.

"First we have, Alexa Carter!",
( @Toga_psycho )

she gestured to a young princess,  she has dirty blond hair, it falls just above the shoulders, she has hazeled brown eyes, they're kinda pretty.. She looks a bit taller than I am, she looks shy too...

"Next! Lilith Togami!!",
( @May_fanfiction )

she gestured to the next princess, she has short blond hair, very pretty ocean blue eyes, freckles too.. and she's very pale, she reminds me of a ghost, but I think she's very pretty.. oh.. and her cheeks look very rosy.. like she's blushing...

"Next! Rira Gurotz",
( @GHOST529 )

she announced, this one.. She looks mean... She has Brown hair that falls just below her shoulders.. but her eyes.. they're very unique, I'm not sure how I should describe them, but maybe like... a Greenish, blue with a tint of hazel?.. they're very bright colors too.. they stand out.. but.. she has on a bright yellow dress that is very, very ugly.. and it's dirty!

Maybe because of the trip here, but still..

"The Fourth! Luxanna Sulimanava!",
( @Mystique2132 )

That's a long name... uhm.. Shes..
Pretty, she's very pale, like the light of the moon, her hair is very white too.. I've never met anyone with white hair.. But her eyes are silver with a tint of gold.. she stands out the most...

"The Fifth! Katniss Kiyamia!!",
( @TheGreyWolf2508 )

She looks really nice, her hair looks fluffy.. it's an auburn color.. her eyes are a very obvious gold.. she also has.. V-Vitiligo..? I think that's what it was called.. I remember one of my maids having it.. that was so long ago though... the splotches in her skin from the skin condition are very pale compared to her actually skin tone too.. Shes pretty...

" The Sixth, Elle Giovanni!!",
( @CourtirAnimations2 )

She has.. very red hair, she pale, her eyes..They look like mine.. very.. very green.. at least both of hers work though... well I assume.. oh.. she has lots of freckles too..? She looks very mean.. But never judge a book by its cover!!

Now the la-

"The last! Prince Jun Cosmic!",
( @Arjan154 )

she announced a little bit louder than how she did the girls.

He.. is very handsome... h-hopefully he's nice.. h-he looks nice... prince omega.. well omegas either way should be treated properly.. I guess..

His eyes are a bright magenta, pink faded to a bright orange and yellow, his skin is pale, his hair is a variety of gorgeous purples. He looks quiet.. like he keeps to himself.. well let's hope he's not mean...

Queen Mitsuki gives a small speech then has a few professional maids come out and show the Royals to there guest room while they pick the first princess. Who ever they pick will get to spend a week the Prince first.. But that means I have to take care of them too. And the prince is already two handfuls...

As the others leave I look at the prince and begin laughing.

I'm laughing due to the fact some of them look so messy from their trip here. He begins laughing with me.

My laugh faded into a small smile as look at him. Maybe if I was still a royal... I wonder if I would have a chance with him... "Let's go up to my room now", he says catching his breath then walking upstairs.

I can tell he doesn't care about which princess starts off first.

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