Chapter Fourty-One: Katniss Kiyama (3)

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Recap: "You didn't eat did you?"
"You can't lie to me Deku. You're such a shit liar." He mumbled as we walked up the stairs.
"I'm sorry Kacchan.. I really don't think I can get food down right now.."
Kacchan sighed as we entered his room. "This one night, I won't remind you of your heat again. S-sor- hm.. fuck that, you know what I mean."
I smiled a bit. He's so stubborn.
"Go change and then lay down." Kacchan muttered while he quickly changed and then laid on his side of the bed.
After I changed I put his cape back on myself then looked at him. "Come on Deku." He patted the other side of the bed.
I hesitated but I got into bed and got under the covers. "The princess is truly so nice.. I was very surprised Kacchan.." I mumbled looking at him.
He turned onto his side and looked at me. "I don't care, I won't marry her, or any of the princesses."
"Oh.." I nodded. Then I shouldn't have anything to worry about then.. there's nothing I need to worry about.
"Night Deku.." he mumbled closing his eyes.
"Nigh' Nigh' Kacchan.."
I'm grateful
I closed my eyes, and once again, fell into a peaceful, quiet, dreamless sleep.

When I woke up Kacchan was gone, I assume he went downstairs for breakfast and allowed me to sleep in. Which as always I'm grateful.

It took me a few minutes to get up but when I did, I made the bed, I changed my clothes and laid his cape upon his bed. I had gathered the laundry around his room and placed them in the basket of other dirty clothes. Kacchans been going out a lot less so nothings usually muddy like it used to be, which is easier for me.

After I gathered the laundry I set the basket by the door and straightened up his bathroom, after I swept his floors, and dusted his shelves. I then picked the laundry basket up, and headed down the awful flight of stairs.
I feel like I've been lacking at my job. Kacchan doesn't appear to care. And if he doesn't care, I know I shouldn't, but this is my job now. So I do care.

"Deku? What are you doing? Where's my cape?"
I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked at Kacchan, he has a plate of food.
"I left it on your bed.. I-I.. I was going to do your laundry.. should I not..?"
"Why don't you eat first?"
"I can eat after. I've already brought the basket down. So it's ok."
Kacchan huffed and passed me. "Be quick. Your plate will be in my room."
"Ok" I looked back at him as he made his way up the stairs.
I smiled and continued to the laundry headquarters. He cares and it makes me feel good.. and any gesture from Kacchan that's not negative really means a lot..
I looked back and there was Ms Kiyama, she has a very nice smile.
"Oh, hello.." I turned to her and tilted my head down as respect.
"You don't need to do that. Anyways," she walked over. "Are you about to do laundry?"
"Yes ma'am.."
"Then do you mind if I hang out with you for a bit?"
"Oh, uhm.. are you sure? I mean I don't mind.. but I have to be quick."
She giggled and nodded.
"Ok then.." I turned around and continued to the laundry room.

Once we arrived to the laundry room, Ms Kiyama started looking around, she appeared amazed as if she's never seen such a room. It's not that impressive. Its cold, it smells musty, and it's quite plain. It is quite a large room though, there's enough space for at most 20 other people to do laundry.
I watched her amazement for a bit and then I sat by a station and started sorting his clothes, and one by one washing them by hand individually.

My hands really are less shaky.. it's amazing..
Ms Kiyama sat next to me and watched. "How often do you do laundry? Does it take long?"
"Uhm.. no.. I-I don't really have a set schedule.. I just kind of do it when it needs to be done. But lately he hasn't had me do laundry. However, K-Kacchan really hates when others do his laundry because he says they do it wrong."
"Why do you call him Kacchan?"
I glance at her and pause. "It's.. it's just a nickname.. he lets me call him that.. he calls me Deku.."
"I see.. well that's kind of cute.."
I nodded and looked at the water for a few minutes. I don't know if it's cute per say.. but it is what it is.. eventually I continued washing the clothes.
"Is he picky?" She asked tilting her head to the side.
"Yeah.. he is. He's picky about how his room is cleaned, how his food is made, how his things are sorted, and how his laundry is done."
"When you first started working for him did he address how he wanted it done?"
I glanced at her. So many question.. "Uhm.. No I've always done it my way, he's never said anything about it, but if it's not the way I do it, it's wrong to Kacchan." I concluded.

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