Chapter Five: Again

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Izuku laid on his side messing with the petal. His arm then dropped from the pain. "Why... me..?", he slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into a painful and uncomfortable sleep.

The three women had saw the sleeping child there in the garden again, but he was all beat up, and the thing they noticed first, was that he was without his satchel. But not only that of course. The boy was covered in black and blue bruises that plastered his entire body, and a dark dry crimson color that outlined new wounds. The eldest ran as fast as she could and got the medic from her head quarters. They both came running back and examined the hurt child. "Do you know who this boy is?", Chiyo Shuzenji asked.
"No ma'am... he started appearing here yesterday...",
Chiyo sighed and fixed up his nose, she then bandaged his forehead and eye. She also bandaged his rock wounds by wrapping his body in a thin conforming medical bandage.
"He should be ok. I'm going to take him inside so he can rest in a bed.",
Chiyo struggled but managed to move him to the recovery headquarters and into a nice soft pallet where he slept. Then Queen Mitsuki Bakugo busted through the door. "I am so sorry to bother you Chiyo! But this little runt won't stop getting himself in trouble", she threw the young Katsuki onto the floor, his cheek was swollen and bruised.
"What happened?",
Katsuki laughed. "I beat up a faggot",
"Language Katsuki!",
Chiyo sighed. "What?",
"He got into a fight in the village and was caught. Some woman ran at him and slapped him. He deserved it though.",
"Shut it hag", Katsuki mumbled.

Katsuki stood up and crossed his arms. "Ms Shuzenji.. Can you fix my wound please..?", Katsuki asked.
Chiyo grabbed a small bandage and placed it on his cheek. "There. All better. Now run along.", Katsuki then ran off to play.
"So who's this child? Or who does he belong too?", Mitsuki asked looking at young Izuku. Her eyes widened a bit to see how beat up he was.
"Moreover how did you find him..?",
"He's been sleeping in the garden for the last couple days. The gardeners found him this morning like this.. and so I fixed him up..",
"Any parents?.. he shouldn't be anywhere near the Castle, let alone inside..",
"Not that I know of.",

Izuku slowly opened his eye and looked around. He then looked at Chiyo and.. Mitsuki.. Royalty.
He sat up quickly and shuffled himself backwards against a wall. He then bowed his head down to respect her. "I-I am sorry! F-for in-invading your- your kingdom!! I-I will leave immediately! I'm sorry!",
"Woah! Hey pup. Calm down. You've done nothing wrong", Mitsuki stepped closer and kneeled down. "Lift your head. For me.",
Izuku slowly lifted his head.
"I'm so very sorry...",
"Don't be.",
Izuku nodded and looked down.
"Mind telling me who hurt you.",
Izuku nodded and looked at her.
"Th-three people.. one was kind of tall. His hair was spiky and he was... bl-blond- your hai- ooo.. h-he kind of.. looked like you... then the other two were plain looking.. they had short brown hair. But ones eyes were brown and the others were blue..",
Mitsuki growled and stood abruptly storming out of the recovery headquarters, "Katsuki!!", She screamed.
Izuku eyes widened. "D-did i-i just... get someone.. i-in trouble..", Izuku slowly stood shaking. "I'm sorry..",
Chiyo stopped him immediately. "Wait, Your name?", Chiyo asked.
"Ahh... my name..?", he looked at her. 'I haven't told anyone my name... in a really long time... m-my name... th-they'll know though..', "I-it's.. I-Izuku...",
Chiyo nodded.
"It sounds familiar. Where are your parents?",
Izuku looked down and shrugged. "I don't have any...",
Chiyo frowned.
"How long have you been in the Bakugo kingdom?", she asked.
"Uhm... two days..?", Izuku looked down.
"How long have you been without your parents?",
"Uhm... a long time..",
Chiyo sighs, "do you know specifically?",
Izuku nods.
"Can you tell me?",
"S-Seven years..", Izuku mumbled.
Chiyo frowned and walked over slowly.
Izuku tried to back away but was only met by a wall, he slid against the wall and ran out the door. "I just want to leave!!", He cried and ran through castle lost, he ran and ran trying to find a way out but couldn't. The bright, windowed, stone walls were endless to say. He took a quick turn and Bam!
Right into the little prince. "Hey! Why are you running in here!!", The blond boy yelled as he picked himself off the ground. "Who do you think you are?!-", Katsuki looked at him in disgust. "Ew it's You! What are you doing here!? Ugh... You're even uglier up close...",
Izuku looked down staying on the ground, "I-I know... I'm sorry...", Izuku moves to his knees and bowed his head to him. "And I'm sorry for running in your halls..",
Katsuki stares at him. 'Wow he's bowing to me! How cool!', Katsuki thought to himself.
"So why are you in my home?... Why didn't you just go to the Village Medic?",
"I-I only have thr-three copper now... and I-I wasn't looking for help..", Izuku kept to head to the floor.
"Ew! You have no money?! You're a poor mutt huh?!", Katsuki laughed.
Izuku nodded. "Y-you and your friends took it all... I'm so sorry... I-I'll leave if you could so kindly show me to the exit..?", Izuku looked up and started to sit up slowly.
Katsuki shoved his head into the ground. "Don't raise your head to me!",
"Ngh- Uck!!", Izuku screamed and cried.
Katsuki's eyes widened and he backed up. "H-Hey.. don't do that..",
Izuku cried and rolled over to his side covering his face as a dark crimson liquid spilled from his nose. "I-it hurts!..",
"Shut up..", Katsuki mumbled.
Izuku cried more, "help..!",
Katsuki growled. "Shut up!!", Katsuki yelled as he kicked him in the head.

The omega quickly went silent as he fell unconscious. "Hey..? Hey! Why aren't you making any noises now!?", Katsuki dropped down to his knees and rolled the Omega over looking at his completely bloodied face. "Ah.. ", Katsuki quickly stood and ran off not knowing what to do.

Izuku laid there motionless until a maid passing by screamed and guards came rushing down the halls.
They let their forces down seeing the boy, they rolled their eyes knowing Katsuki's angered emotions took over, so he must have attacked the boy. One of the guards leading picked him up and took him straight to Ms Chiyos Headquarters to get his poor, crimson plastered face treated.

The day passed and Izuku woke up again. The dark sky had already plastered itself above the kingdom.

Izuku looked around, it was so dark and silent. The only noise was the soft whistling wind. He slowly sat himself up and stood trying to make no noise, he tipped toed his way the the door and slipped through the small crack between the door frame and the door. He walked the halls in silence, the only real noise was is beating heart. He looked and wandered around and finally found a large door, he slowly opened it as a gust of the soft cold breeze rushed through his curled messy hair.
"Wahh..", Izuku smiled and limped around outside the kingdom. He searched for the garden so he could enjoy his night there instead of the scary Castle.
It took him hours just to walk around the castle. But he finally made it the the over side where the huge garden was located. He walked over to his usual spot by the yellow tulips and
sat down.
He played with the petals and giggled softly, but winced from the instant movement of his face. "Uhngg...", he whined.
Izuku laid back and closed his eyes.
He might as well sleep again. He has nothing better to do.

Night passed. Izuku would continuously wake up during the restless night. He made no progress for sleep.
Once he woke up the sun was just starting to rise. He decided to stay awake. Not having much to do he started fixing up the garden. Yeah it was big and colorful. But the flowers still drooped and the soil was messy and unkept.
Izuku went to each little area of patch of flowers. He fixed up the soil and propped up the flowers. Just like when he was little and his gardeners showed him how to make the garden look alive. The morning passed quickly and Izuku was still taking his sweet usable time to fix up the flowers. Until the Castles personal gardeners came out. They watched as Izuku fixed up every individual flower. They were speechless to see such a small boy doing a better job than them, and they've been working on this garden for years to get it perfect and he seemed to do it in hours.
Izuku noticed them and gasped. He got up abruptly and ran off so they wouldn't judge, or call for someone. Or even talk to him.
He ran and ran all the way back into town. He hid in an ally and curled up hugging his knees.

This continued behavior went on for weeks then months. Izuku would stay in the garden at night and fix it up in the mornings and when the gardeners came he'd run away.
Even though months had passed they saw nothing of it. Soon it became a year. And then another year. You'd think he would have gotten used to the gardeners or at least he would socialize with the sweet villagers of the town. But he didn't. He was afraid he'd say something wrong.

Soon the Queen Bakugo heard the new of the boy. And she wanted him recruited as a servant. But no one was fast enough to catch him. They even set up guards around the garden day and night but he'd still be able to slip past them. They couldn't catch him.

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