Chapter Six: Servant

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Soon the Queen Bakugo heard the news of the boy. And she wanted him recruited as a servant. But no one was fast enough to catch him. They even set up guards around the garden day and night but he'd still be able to slip past them. They couldn't catch him.

lzuku was once again found within the gardened area right where he usually was, by the yellow tulips, the gardeners as usual, left for their usual morning routine. The guards gave up, and notified the Queen about how they couldn't catch the boy. So she left it to the gardeners. Of course he wasn't important. But it's always nice to have another servant at hand.
The gardeners had their same routine. They went out to the garden, the Queen had ordered them to talk to the boy and show him to the supervisor, she wants him to dress him properly, and show him to all the maids and servants. To make him at home. To give him a spare room for him to stay in while he works as a servant.
They walked out prepared for him to run away like usual, but he was sleeping still. He was curled up hugging himself shivering. They walked over and sat down around him. The eldest took her long sleeved wear and laid it on the boy. "We should wait for him to wake so we can talk to him ladies",
They nodded and comforted the young greenette. They couldn't bring him inside because he would run away again. But the morning wasn't that cold so they couldn't understand why he was so cold. But they tried to keep him in a warm and comfortable state.

The sun hit midway in the sky, shining down letting everyone know it was the warm and eventful afternoon, Izuku soon woke up and looked at the eldest gardener, he backs up and bumped into the second eldest, he shifted to the side and knocked him self into the youngest. He spastically looked around. "A-Ah... I-I'm sorry...",
"Hey, don't run away again. And dont be sorry.", the eldest spoke calmly trying not to frighten the thirteen year-old boy.
Izuku looked at each of them then saw the long sleeved wear on top of him. He saw that the eldest was missing hers so he quickly handed it to her. "I-I'm Sorry...",
"What are you sorry for?", the youngest gave a soft gaze at the young boy.
"B-being an e-e-eyesore.. a-and... b-being here... I-Ill leave, please don't get mad at me...", Izuku mumbled quickly and started to stand, but fell immediately do to the second eldest grabbing his arm and pulling him down. "We can give you a bed to sleep in. Please don't run away again..", she pleaded softly and Izuku nodded. "Yes ma'am.. I'll stay...",
They nodded and stood slowly. "Where did you learn garden?", the youngest asked.
Her young looks, and her bubbly voice gave her an age of eighteen.
The second eldest would probably be in her young twenties and the eldest was in her late twenties.
"U-Uhm...", Izuku thought about it and smiled. A smile that hadn't been shown in years. "In my Kingdo-", Izukus smile faded and he slapped his hands over his mouth.
They slightly gasped. The youngest smiled, "Your kingdom?! Does that mean your a royal!?",
Izuku spastically shook his head. "Ah- Uh.. n-no..!",
"You can tell us you know... we have no right to spill any type of rumor... besides we aren't really allowed to leave our headquarters...", the eldest spoke in a calm voice.
"N-not anymore..", Izuku mumbled.
"Not anymore? How can someone not be a royal anymore?", The second eldest spoke confused.
Izuku looked down. "My Mother and Father showed me something... a-and they forgot.. we'll they told me they had a meeting f-for... Ahh.. a-another kingdom... f-for an alliance?... b-but they thought... I... I-I... I don't... just... they banished me from their kingdom... th-that... I-I-I... just... d-don't treat me like a royal... b-because I'm not... a-and I h-haven't been for the last n-n-nine years.... o-ok..?", Izuku felt a heavy pressure against his chest. He wished he hadn't said anything in the first place. But they all nodded respectfully. They stood and the youngest offered him a hand. He took it and stood carefully. "The Queen wants you to work as a servant for her. So you have a place to stay.. and since your so young you'll have more experience when your older.",
Izuku nodded and they headed into the kingdom to the superintendent headquarters. "Our supervisor is really young, but he is organized and very matured. He's also very efficient... but bossy..", the second eldest explained. "His name is Tenya! I think he's kinda cute. But he's fifteen so...", the youngest giggled and looked away to cover her blush. Izuku nodded awkwardly and looked down shuffling his feet following them.
They all soon came to a stop and knocked on the supervisors door and he opened it. "Yes?", he pushed up his glasses looking at them.
The eldest grabbed Izukus hand and pulled him infront of her where Tenya looked down at him. "Hm?", he stared as Izuku looked down.
"The Queen wanted you to dress him properly since he'll be working as a servant from now on. She also wan-",
Tenya nodded. "She told me the details. His name is Izuku from what she told me a year ago.",
Izuku looked up at him. "A-a year?",
"More like Two years, four months, and three hundred and twenty-four days",
Izukus eyes widened and he looked down again nodding.
The gardeners backed away. "Well have fun, I-Izuku!", the youngest yelled as they left in a rush.

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