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A/N: Hey, Wattpad world! 🌎 I've got a new one, and it is a request from iamweird552 . I'm going to state the obvious.... At this point, I think I've used almost every song from "Shawn Mendes: The Album." But, I'm so not sorry about it. 😂 What can I say? It's provided me some stellar content. Anyway, I hope you all like this one! Much love! 😘
Song: "Why" by Shawn Mendes 😍
Rating: Everyone


"I found three more candles in the kitchen," I announce as I feel my way through the darkened living room.

The electricity has been out for a few hours now. The wind howls with a high-pitched whistle, and the thunder rumbles outside the walls of Mac's house.

"Good thing Mac never throws anything out," Riley teases.

But, Mac objects, "You make it sound like I'm a hoarder. You never know when you might be able to reuse something."

I light the candles with a match and place them on the coffee table, then quickly shake the match out before it burns back to my fingers.

In a second, the small flames light the living area in a dim, orangey glow - just enough light so that we can all see each other seated around the room.

Riley complains, leaning back on the armchair, "Ughhh, this storm will never end."

"At least we're all together," Bozer affirms, attempting to seek the silver-lining in this less-than-ideal situation.

"I'm with Riley," I admit. "This is pretty boring."

Mac, who sits opposite me on the other end of the sofa, doesn't even acknowledge our conversation. He's too busy tinkering with something in his hands. Somehow, he always manages to stay occupied, even during a black-out.

But, suddenly, Riley sits up and sends a mischievous look over to Bozer. "We could play a game."

He nods back at her discreetly with a grin.

I look at Mac, bewildered by their suggestive glances. But, he just shrugs in return.

"What game?" I wonder cautiously.

"Truth or dare."

"Isn't that a little childish?" Mac suggests.

"What else are we going to do? We have no power and nowhere to go. Let's have some fun."

Okay," I submit. But there's an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I consider the looks on Riley and Bozer's faces when Riley suggested the game. I can't help but think something is amiss.

Bozer sits up, taking it upon himself to go first, and turns to Riley, "Truth or dare?"


"Okay, be honest. What did you really think of me the first time we met?"

She considers for a moment before answering honestly. "I thought you were kinda dorky and desperate."

"Ouch. Brutal."

"You wanted the truth."

Mac adds his two cents, finally putting down the contraption in his hands, "You did spend an insanely long time trying to get her number. You were way too adamant about it."

"But, I know you're not dorky and desperate now," Riley consoles. "First impressions don't always mean much."

Bozer nods, grinning. "Fair enough. Okay, your turn, Riley."

"Okay, Y/N, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I submit uncertainly.

"I dare you to prank-call Russ."

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