"Friends Don't"

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A/N: Welcome back! This one is a part 2 to my last story titled "'All These Years.'" Inspiration comes from the song "Friends Don't" by Maddie and Tae. I suggest you read the story before this one first if you haven't already because it will make much more sense. I hope you all enjoy! :)
Rating: Everyone


You shut your apartment door behind you as you shuffle inside and throw your belongings on the floor. You immediately make a bee-line for the sofa where you slump down before practically melting into the cushions. It feels like you've never quite been this exhausted. This is partially due to the fact that you're still adjusting to your new job and new life in LA. It has proven to be very different than Boston.

However, this isn't the only reason you feel completely drained. The other reason could be that the time you do have to sleep, you spend lying awake, staring at the ceiling, just thinking.

You can't get him out of your head, and you definitely can't get that moment out of your head - the one that happened in that cafe nearly three months ago - the one where you almost told him how you feel. Sincerely, you had every intention of telling him. You had finally earned the courage to pour your heart out once and for all...


"Mac, wait!" you yell toward the door before Mac can walk away — out of your life, again. You grab your bags quickly and run after him. As you reach him, he turns around, eyes meeting yours once again. The feeling those eyes erupt inside of you is something truly amazing - almost indescribable. You aren't exactly sure what to say or even where to start, but the words just start flowing — almost as if the dam had broken behind a river of emotions that were begging to finally flow freely.

"Mac, please don't go. The truth is, I just, never in a million years imagined to see you again." You try to organize your words as they spill out. "When you left, I thought that was it. But, now that we're both here, maybe..."

All of a sudden, your words are cut off by the shrill sound of a ringing cell phone. Mac is pulled from the intent gaze he had been giving you as he admits, "Oh, sorry." He quickly pulls his phone out of his pocket and glances at it. He tries to ignore it as he attempts to refocus on you.

After such a ungracious interruption, you encourage, "No, it's okay. You should take it. It's probably your boss again." You can't hide the bit of disappointment on your face.

"Actually," Mac starts with a slightly awkward and uneasy look on his face, "It's not my boss... it's my... girlfriend."

***Present day***

Yep, that's right. At the same exact moment you decided to bare your heart and soul to Mac, you find out that he has a girlfriend. What were you thinking? Honestly, it shouldn't have come as a surprise. He's Mac. Who wouldn't love him? But, that doesn't take away the horrible feeling you've carried in your gut ever since that day.

You can't possibly tell Mac how you feel now. However, even after that day, you two still managed to become close again. After your chance meeting, Mac insisted that you two catch up. After all, you had been best friends, and, according to him, it seemed crazy to give up on such a friendship. Yeah, friendship.

So, here you are, sitting on your couch, completely exhausted, both physically and mentally, when you hear your phone ding from your purse that you had carelessly thrown by the door. Reluctantly, you build the strength to remove yourself from the couch and shuffle your way over. When you find your phone, you see it's a text from Mac.

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