"Piece By Piece"

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A/N: Hi everyone! So, first of all, thank you to everyone for being super patient with requests! I fulfill them based on the order I receive them, and I know it is taking a while for me to do that. With that being said, thank you to RitchelleC  for challenging me with this request! It's very different than anything I've written mainly because the reader is not a love interest, and I have to say it was a bit of a challenge. I hope you all give it a chance, though, and let me know what you think! I used "Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson for some inspiration.
Rating: Everyone


As Angus MacGyver walks into the room, his eyes meet yours for a brief second. You stand next to Matty Webber, extremely nervous but determined not to show it. For a moment, a thousand thoughts and insecurities come bumbling through your mind, and you feel like you shouldn't be here. You seriously consider grabbing what sliver of dignity you have left and just running through the door.

But, something stops you. Something internal plants your feet to the ground and commands you that it's not okay to run away from this. All you've known your entire life is running, and you can't be that kind of person. You won't let yourself succumb to that.

"Nice of you all to join us," Director Webber booms to the Phoenix team filing into the War Room. "Everyone, meet Y/N. She brought us an assignment that she needs our help with." Matty then turns to you and introduces you to the line of people standing in the room. "Y/N, this is Riley, Bozer, Desi..." you nod as she spouts each name... "and that's MacGyver."

Your heart races even faster as your eyes meet his again —- finding something so familiar yet completely alien in his gaze. He just absent-mindlessly smiles a subtle smile. Trying to collect yourself, you cooly reply, "Nice to meet you all."

Matty interjects again, startling you from your thoughts. "Y/N is CIA, and this mission is far too big for one agency to handle, so we've been recruited to help. Let's get started."

For the next several minutes, you and Matty fill in the Phoenix team on the details of the job. All the while, you make every effort to avoid MacGyver's gaze, feeling insanely uncomfortable about your elusive situation. But, not long after, the team is debriefed, gear in-hand, and you're ushered off to start your mission.


After the Phoenix jet lands in your desired location, you each take your individual assignments and split up into teams. You are, of course, walking with MacGyver, scouting out the area — an old abandoned warehouse your team at the CIA suspects is the source of some pretty shady and seriously dangerous weapon deals.

"So, Y/N, you're pretty quiet," Mac observes, breaking the unnecessary tension.

"Oh, um, just focused on the job."

Akward silence fills the space around you.

You hear Riley through your coms, "Guys this isn't good. Looks like we've got a LOT of movement to the North — much more than we expected. I'd say they're about ten minutes out, tops. You're about to have some unwanted company.

In an instant, you hear Matty reply, "Alright, I'm sending a backup team along with Oversight.

Oh no. Your stomach churns.

"Oversight?" you ask.

"Yeah, it must be bad if Matty's sending in Oversight," Mac says with a worried expression.

Panic sets in, and you decide it's now or never. "MacGyver..."

"You can call me Mac."

You stop in your tracks, considering his face. "Okay, Mac, there's something you should know."

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