"Isn't She Lovely"

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A/N: Hello! Thank you to AnsleyRose for the idea for this story! The lyrics are from the Stevie Wonder song "Isn't She Lovely." It was really fun to write, and I think it turned out super cute! I hope you all enjoy it! 💖
Rating: Everyone


"Maybe I should just stay. I'll tell Matty that I need to be here with my beautiful wife, catering to her every beck and call," Mac ponders while taking your hands in his.

"No, Mac. I will be fine. Go do your job. Plus, this little one isn't due to make her arrival for six more weeks." You place a hand on your substantially-grown bump.

"I know. It's just that I would feel better being here."

"Well, something tells me Matty wouldn't appreciate it," you wink. "Seriously, go! I'll text you with updates every hour if you're so worried." You kiss his nose.

"Fine," he pouts. "Make it every half-hour though," he demands, raising an eyebrow. He moves to the door to pick up his keys and leather jacket.

"You know I was kidding, right?" You half-walk, half-waddle to follow Mac to the door.

"But, I wasn't." Mac places one arm around your waist, pulling you close, while the other brushes a stray piece of hair from your face. "Just promise me you'll take it easy? You know what the doctor said."

"I promise. I have ten whole seasons of 'Friends' to binge watch."

"Haven't you seen it like 20 times already?"

"Hey, you can never see it too many times!" you demand.

He smiles and kisses your lips. "Whatever you say. Then, I guess that means I'm going. I love you," he endears. Then, he crouches down in front of you until he's at bump-level. "And I love you," he says, kissing your stomach. "Don't give Mommy any trouble. And make sure you keep her in line, Okay?"

You laugh and tug on his arm. "Alright, you're gonna be late. I love you too. Be safe."

He nods. "I'll be back soon." You kiss him again and watch as he leaves the house, closing the door behind him.


Later, you're several episodes into your favorite show. Laying on the couch, you continuously shift around, but you just can't seem to get comfortable. A heavy ache settles into your lower back, and you decide to walk around the house for a while to see if it helps. Before long, the pain has subsided some, and you sleepily decide it's time for bed.

All night, though, you toss and turn, only able to catch short bouts of sleep.

By morning, you're feeling intermittent sharp pains in your lower abdomen. At first you think it's just Braxton Hicks contractions. But, as time goes on, the pain only gets sharper and more intense. "Come on, little one. You cannot do this right now. Please, don't do this right now!" you plead. Soon, an exceptionally sharp contraction hits, and you know... this is it.

Wincing at the pain, you pick up your phone to dial your neighbor. She's a lovely lady who has lived next door for as long as Mac can remember. She always insisted that you call her if you ever need anything. With Mac away on a mission and most of your friends with him, she's your only hope.


After informing your neighbor of your situation, you're on the way to the hospital, and she asks you, "Honey, where is Mac?"

Between contractions, you explain, "Um, he had to leave for a little business trip."

"Oh my, that is not very good timing, now is it?"

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