"When You're Ready"

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A/N: Hey guys! It's officially the season of LOVE! ❤️ This one fulfills a request from stvenat- with a little bit of a twist to keep the story a bit lighter (which I hope you're okay with!) I hope you all like it! P.s. Happy "Galentine's" Day to all the ladies out there. 💕 It's a day for us to celebrate ALL the people we love in life. And, I love you guys! 😘🧡🧡🧡
Song: "When You're Ready" by Shawn Mendes
Rating: Everyone

***Mac's POV***

Some days are so much harder than others. It's surreal how emotions ebb and flow but they never completely cease. Somedays, she only crosses my mind once or twice. Other days, she's my only thought.

Today is one of those days. Every year, on this day, for the past ten years, I've felt the same exact way. I sit here at my desk, staring out at the sunset sky, wondering how things could have been different - wondering where we'd be if we hadn't lost our chance.

I don't know why I still write these letters. I begin scribbling my pen across a new sheet of paper.... I started doing this all those years ago because I thought it would make me feel better by putting my feelings down on paper. I figured anything would be better than keeping them all bottled up inside. Today's been exceptionally hard. Even though it's been ten years, each anniversary brings back all of it, opens those old wounds, and makes it feel like it just happened yesterday. I wish I could go back to that moment. I know I can't, and now I've been holding onto this burden for the past decade. I thought that by now I would have made piece with knowing you're gone. But, I can't help but hold on.

With all my love,

***Ten years ago***

***Y/N's POV***

"He won't stop until I'm dead." My mind begins to spiral out of control as I watch the video play on my phone screen over and over again. Mac presses the 'stop' button from beside me, pausing my intrusive thoughts.

"I'm going to get you out of this," he insists, eyes both pleading and comforting at the same time.

I look around at the dilapidated housing the two of us have become accustomed to over the past several days. When Antonio Ortez, head of a major terrorist organization, sent me this video warning me of my demise, Mac and I set off to go into hiding. Matty decided it was the best move until we could figure out a better solution. So, I've been on the run for about a month now, with Mac graciously by my side.

We don't spend too much time in one place, however, worried that Ortez's gang will find me. Unfortunately, I have a personal history with his son, and after what I did, he'll stop at nothing to make me pay. The man is ruthless, and he won't rest until he gets what he wants.

"It's no use. I killed his son. Ortez is out for vengeance. Now, he's out of federal custody, and he's built an army of minions." I stand, pacing the old wooden floor. "He won't just kill me. He'll torture me until I can't stand it anymore. He'll make it slow and agonizing. There's no way out of this anymore." Hot tears begin to well in my eyes, a choking feeling forming in the back of my throat. "I can't keep running like this."

Defeated, I sit back down where I was. Mac takes my hand but says nothing. Nevertheless, the comforting action is enough.

"Do you ever wish you could rewind the clock and change something you did?" I wonder out loud.

"Do you mean the day you shot Ortez, Jr?"

I nod.

"He was a terrorist. He killed countless innocent people - husbands, wives, sons, daughters. Think of all the people you saved by doing it. It was the right thing."

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