"Sweetest Devotion"

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A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your summer so far. I came up with this cute lil idea a while ago, and as always, I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think in the comments! 💚💚
Song: "Sweetest Devotion" by Adele
Rating: Everyone


It's 7:30 AM, and I've just started on my patient rounds for the morning. The characteristic scent of antiseptic wafts through the pediatric unit as I gather supplies and medications - just like every other day.

"Hi Y/N!" shouts one of our long-term patients, Olivia, as I pass by her room.

"Hi, Olivia. How are you feeling today?"

"Much better! Will you be my nurse today?" she wonders excitedly.

"Not today. But, Savannah will be, and if you ask nicely she might bring you some of the special video games to play."

"Oohhh, yay! Thank you!"

"Have a good day, Olivia."

With a smile, I lightly knock on the closed door next to hers before entering.

That's where I see a sleepy-looking little boy laying on the bed. But, despite his heavy eyelids, he gives me a soft smile. His mom snores lightly on the sofa on the other side of the bed. The poor woman has been through the wringer, and I don't blame her for taking every opportunity she can to get some rest.

So, I whisper, trying my best not to wake her, "Good morning, Billy. How are you feeling?"

He just shrugs. I glance at the stuffed toy in Billy's tiny grasp.

How's Mr. Stuffins this morning?"

"He's sad."

"Oh no." I crouch to his level, surveying the issue. "What's the matter?"

"He has a boo boo."

"Uh oh. He has a boo boo like you do?"

He nods. "On his tummy."

"Well, how about we fix it up then? You can help me if you want."

After considering, he nods.

So, I grab some bandages and medical tape from the corner of the room. "I have a super important job for you, okay? Can you tear off some pieces of this tape?" Taking the tape, his eyes light up for the first time since he's been on our unit these past few weeks. The sight warms my heart to its very core.

I wrap a long bandage bandage around Mr. Stuffins' tummy and take the pieces of tape from Billy's little fingers. "There we go. How's that?"

Billy pulls the bear to his ear and smiles. "He says that's much better."

"Perfect. Now, how about we make you feel better? I have some medicine for you to take before breakfast."

He sighs but nods. "Okaaaay.  But, it tastes funny."

"Well, I was looking through the freezer this morning, and I saw some of the good ice pops. I bet I could bring you one after you take your medicine. It might help it taste better. How's that sound?"


After Billy takes his meds, I take the opportunity to assess him, taking some vitals and listening to his heart, lungs, and abdomen with my stethoscope. "Are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt?"

"Not too bad. I feel much better today than yesterday. But, Ms. Y/N?"

"Yes, Billy?"

"Do I have to do more chemo tomorrow? I'm just starting to feel better from the last time."

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