"Secret Love"

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A/N: Hi everyone! This imagine is inspired by the Hunter Hayes song "Secret Love." I didn't attach a lyric video for this one, but I decided to bless you all with the above picture 😉 (Photo credit to the official MacGyver Instagram page). The pic doesn't really go with the story, but it's one of my fave pics! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one!
Rating: Everyone


"We get so close but we never touch. Gotta wear this mask for just long enough to get away from all the eyes that stare us down. Like two criminals with a dream to steal. Not a trace to be found of the way we feel. With our hearts on the line, we give in and we get away."

"Uh, guys? It might just be me, but I'm starting to think that this is about to turn into way more than just a 'stakeout,'" you hear Bozer say through your earpiece.

"Not just about to, Boz! Try, It already has!!!" You reply breathlessly as you run through the woods back to where both Bozer and Riley are waiting for Jack to arrive with the get-away car.

Mac, you better have a plan! You think to yourself as you continue to run away from the man who is currently chasing you. Turns out your team got some bad intel, and your target definitely knew he was being watched.

As you're about to think your lungs will give out from exhaustion, you turn to face this man, ready to fight. As he gains on you, to your surprise he's suddenly knocked down by a flying projectile. Predictably though, not long after, Mac comes running up behind.

"Thank God, Mac," you exclaim as you catch your breath. "I was starting to think you disappeared on me," you tell him with a wink.

"Ha, well, I just wanted to keep it interesting," he winks back, still catching his own breath. "As for you," he points to your target, who is now lying on the ground, incapacitated, "We've got a nice new home waiting for you somewhere in a huge, dark hole. Hold him down, would ya?" Mac asks you.

"It would be my pleasure." You watch as Mac unbuckles the belt around his waist and wraps it tightly around the man's wrists, serving as makeshift handcuffs. As you heave the man up off the ground, you tell Bozer, Jack, and Riley through your coms that you got him and are on your way back to the car. Then, you pull the earpiece out of your own ear and softly whisper into Mac's opposite ear so no one can hear, "I'd love to see what else you can do with that belt."

Mac quirks a small smile and whispers back, "When we get back, maybe I just might show you." You return the smile as your mind goes wild.

"Secret love, all the things we do. Secret love, baby me and you got a secret love.
Stayin' under cover and out of sight.
If nobody knows then we're doin' it right."

After handing your criminal over to EXFIL, you are all in the car on the way back to the airport. Of course Jack was left with the duty of finding a rental car, so let's just say it's a little cramped. But, you'd be lying if you said you mind. You sit next to Mac, legs brushing one another's. As Jack rambles on about goodness knows what, your eyes advert to Mac's belt, now replaced around his waist. He notices your stare and gently clears his throat. He widens his eyes and nods his head toward everyone else sitting in the car, as if to suggest, "Not here."

Still, he can't help but smile, and he discreetly brushes your hand with his fingertips, sending a thrill down your spine. For a moment, you look up into the rear-view mirror and think you see Jack looking back at the two of you. You clear your throat and try to brush it off.

You're pulled away from your thoughts when you hear a loud clunking coming from what you're pretty sure is the car's engine. Before you know it, the car is pulled to the side of the road, and everyone climbs out.

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