"Under the Weather"

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A/N: Hello readers, and happy holidays! 🎄❄️ In honor of the holiday season, I have decided to write a holiday imagine. I don't know if it's just because I love the holidays or because I have watched way too many Hallmark movies (haha), but I really hope you like this one! It is inspired by the original holiday song "Under the Weather" by Chris Young as well as a little part of the season one MacGyver Christmas episode. I hope this helps put you in the spirit!
Rating: Everyone

"Right there in the living room is our little lit-up tree. We haven't even started wrapping hardly anything. There's only one thing I need, yeah and you can bet, me being wrapped up with you is the best present I could get."

You admire the neatly-trimmed tree standing tall in the living room. You're placing the last few ornaments and listening to the soft hum of Christmas carols from the radio. You start to hum along to a classic "It doesn't show signs of stopping, and I've brought some corn for popping. The lights are turned way down low. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." After a few moments, Mac walks through the threshold from the kitchen. You tilt your head to the side while contemplating the placement of the very last ornament. Satisfied with your work of art, you turn to face Mac, who is juggling two cups of steaming hot cocoa and a plate of gingerbread cookies.

"Here you go. Extra marshmallows, just like you requested," Mac says handing you your  festive mug and placing the plate of cookies on the coffee table.

"Ooh, thank you," You exclaim while placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. You take a sip and smile at the warm chocolatey mixture filling your senses. "So," you begin excitedly while gently putting down the mug and extending your arms in flashy way, "Watcha think?" you ask, expectantly pointing at the newly decorated tree.

Mac studies it for a moment before answering, "I think.... it looks fantastic! Definitely better than the trees Bozer and I used to decorate."

You chuckle and suggest, "Well, it helps to have a woman's sense of style." You place your hand on Mac's chest and look into his warm eyes. "It's just missing one thing.... the star. I'm too short, and I can't reach the top. So, you wanna do the honors?" you ask expectantly.

"Of course, my lady. It would be my privilege," Mac claims as he lowers himself into a little playful bow.

You grab the gold and white star from the decoration box and hand it to him. Carefully, he reaches to the very top branch of the tree and slides it on perfectly.

"I waited for this all year long. There's something about turning on Christmas lights for the first time and watchin' ' them shine in your eyes."

"Perfect!" You exclaim, admiring the finished product. "Now for the moment of truth! We turn it on!" You reach down and click the switch to turn on the tree lights. As they blink on, you take a step back, and Mac watches as the lights from the trees reflect on your eyes. "It's beautiful," you conclude with a sense of content. Mac curves his arm around your waist, pulling you into his embrace as you both watch them twinkle. You feel his eyes move away from the tree to look at you instead as he acknowledges, "Truly breathtaking."

You turn your head to meet his affectionate stare, which makes you smile. You reach up and place a quick kiss to his lips before pulling him over to sit on the couch.

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