"The Cure"

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A/N: Hi all! Thank you to unofficialargent for requesting the subject/plot of this one. I used "The Cure" by Lady Gaga to complement the story, and I hope everyone enjoys it!

P.s. If anyone has requests for story ideas and/or songs, please feel free to message me, and I will get to them ASAP! 😄
Rating: Everyone


Darkness. Everything is darkness. It's cold. Muffled voices echo faintly through the air. All you feel is weight. Heaviness. You're unable to move. Slowly, the voices grow more distant until you're engulfed in silence. Your breath grows more and more shallow until you can't take it anymore. All hope is lost, and you're just about to give in...


Suddenly, you awaken, gasping for breath. Your chest is heaving as heat radiates off of your sweat-covered body. Unable to steady your mind or breath, you run for the bathroom, splashing cold water on your face and strongly grasping the sides of the bathroom sink. You close your eyes and try to focus solely on your breathing - in with the good air, and out with the bad feelings. "Okay, Y/N, you're okay. It's okay," you try to convince yourself. "You're at home, and you're okay."

Once some of the overwhelming feeling begins to subside, you collapse yourself onto the cold bathroom floor, leaning against the wall...

This isn't the first time you have had attacks like these. It all started about a month ago when you were on a mission with your team. Things got bad really fast, and you got separated from everyone else. Eyes on your target, you followed the man into an old, abandoned building. You knew the structure wasn't exactly stable, but you couldn't let this guy get away.

It all happened almost instantly.

Before you knew it, you heard a rumbling sound, and an overwhelming amount of rubble came tumbling down on top of you. You screamed with everything you had until your lungs began to burn. With the voices of your Phoenix team finally detectable through the rubble, you struggled to hold on, a mass of building material nearly crushing you, directly on your chest. Everything blacked out, and you thought it was over. That is until you woke up in the Phoenix infirmary.

You knew you were lucky to have survived. In fact, the man you had followed into that building hadn't been so lucky. But, even after making it through physically, the psychological pain of that day never went away.


The morning following your sleepless night, you walk into work just like everyday since the incident, never alluding to the fact that, on the inside, you definitely aren't okay. What good does it do to tell everyone and worry them? You could figure this out on your own, and it would all be okay. Right?

But, nevertheless, your eyes tell a story that no amount of makeup or fake smiles can fix. And there is one person in particular that you just can't seem to hide this from.

Everyone meets in the War Room to be debriefed on a new mission. As Matty speaks, you feel Mac's eyes on you. You glance at him, and you can feel the concern radiating from his stare. He knows something is wrong, you think to yourself. Nevertheless, you try to brush it off by giving him a half-smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes and quickly look away.

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