"Nobody Gotta Know"

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A/N: Hi everyone! So, I've been trying to get caught up on all of my requests. It's taken me a while, so I've decided that I am taking a break from accepting requests until I can get caught up. Thank you guys for understanding, and I will let you know when requests open back up! 😘

Speaking of, this one is two requests combined into one. First of all, RitchelleC asked me to write a crossover between the worlds of "MacGyver" and "Criminal Minds" forever ago (I am so sorry it took so long! Your request got lost in my list.) Also, periwinkle2345 requested this song by Why Don't We. So, I mashed them together, and voila! FYI: I don't watch much "Criminal Minds," so I hope I did okay! XO 💜
Rating: Everyone


"Ha. Hate to break it to you Spence, but I think I've got you this time!" you boast, moving your white knight to the center of the game board.

You're on the plane on your way back to Quantico, and lately Reid has been teaching you how to play chess. And, for the first time, you think you might actually be able to beat that big brain of his.

He just glances at you, grinning. He puffs out his cheeks and looks at you with just a hint of guilt, "I'll win in four moves."

"What?! How?" you ask, unbelieving. "You know what? Never mind." You sit back in your chair, defeated.

You're a member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, and you're best friends with the one and only Spencer Reid. You've been friends pretty much ever since you joined the team five whole years ago.

You're mid-flight and trying to think of a new way to pass the time since chess definitely isn't your forte.

Then, Rossi's phone rings. When he takes the call, you notice his face fall immediately. When he hangs up, you tell him, "I know that face. What's wrong?"

"Theodore Page."

"What? No." A shiver runs through your body, and you feel a stinging pain in your abdomen where a bullet once was.

"Unfortunately, yes. He's found a new target."

"What's the target?" Alvarez asks.

"The Phoenix Foundation," Rossi replies.

"The Phoenix Foundation. Why have a never heard of it?" Spencer wonders.

"That's the point. It's a top secret agency in LA. No one knows it exists. We've got word that their computer systems have already been breached."

"If it's supposed to be top-secret, how did Page find them?" JJ questions.

"We don't know. But, it means he's got even more advanced connections than we thought. He spent his year in hiding doing some serious research. Whatever the case, we're rerouting to LA. We have to help this agency and put this bastard away for good."


When you arrive at the Phoenix Foundation, it's not exactly what you expected. On the outside, it's nothing spectacular, but when you go upstairs to meet with the agency's top team of agents, you realize just how impressive this place is.

When you enter, you first come face to face with the agency's director, Matty Webber. Then, you notice four other people standing in the room.

"Agent Rossi. I'm Matilda Webber. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Of course," he answers. He ushers in your direction. "These are special agents Jareau, Reid, Alvez, and Y/L/N."

You nod and smile, acknowledging Director Webber.

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