"Better Than Flowers"

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A/N: Hello, my darlings! Anyone who knows me knows that I am not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day. But, I just couldn't resist giving you all a Valentine's imagine. 🤷‍♀️  So, here it is. It's inspired by the song "Better Than Flowers" by Chuck Wicks (You may not know who he is, but the song works well for this one). Anyway, I hope you 💖 it!
Rating: Some mature content


February 14th.

You've seen the fuss people make about it, and you've always insisted that it's kind of absurd. It's just ons day of the year where people act like they love each other out of nothing but obligation. But, to be honest, now that it's here, you're starting to think that there could be something to this day after all.

You could say you have a bit of a love-hate relationship.

That may partially be because Mac, your boyfriend, is away on a mission, and all you want more than anything is to have him home with you.

Right now, you're standing on the street in front of the little shop downtown. You're staring through a window full of gigantic, over-stuffed teddy bears, outrageous bouquets, and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. Full disclosure, this makes you miss Mac even more.


Later in the day, you're at home, moping around the house and completely bored. After making a simple dinner for yourself, you slump down on the couch and decide to flip on the TV.

Bad choice.

Every channel you scan through is showing one cheesy romantic comedy after another - definitely not what you need right now. So, you switch the TV back off and decide it best to just sit in silence.

But, before long, a ping sounds from your phone, graciously coming to your rescue. You look at the screen and see that it's a text from Mac:

Hi babe. The mission ended a little early, so I'm coming home tonight! Can't wait to see you! Happy Valentine's Day ❤️

With that, you practically jump off the couch from pure excitement. Maybe you'll get one of those extra-stuffed bears or extravagant bouquets after all...


Not long after, you hear a car pull into the driveway, and a smile can't help but beam from your face in anticipation.

But, when Mac finally walks through the door, he's empty-handed. No bear, no heart-shaped candy, not even a single flower in sight. You can't keep your face from falling a little bit.

"Hey, Y/N," Mac beams. "I missed you." He strides over to give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Mac," you hug him back trying to sound happy, but you can't hide the slight disappointment in your voice.

Scrunching his eyebrows in concern, he asks, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." You give him a quick peck on the cheek in return before turning to walk toward the kitchen.

Confused, Mac stands there for a moment. Then, he follows you.

"That face doesn't look like nothing. Something is clearly bothering you. I literally just walked through the door after being gone for days, and you act like you don't even want to speak to me." He gets kind of defensive, raising his voice in an almost-sarcastic tone, "What on Earth did I do?"

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