"I Like the Sound of That"

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A/N: Hello all! I know it has been a while since I updated, but I'm back with a new one. This one is inspired by the song "I Like the Sound of That" by Rascal Flatts. I hope you enjoy, and happy reading!
Rating: Everyone

"I love hearing that shower turn on. Bet there's nothin' but a towel on you. You sing along with some Timberlake bumpin', but he ain't got nothin' on you."

You wake up to the light rays of sun shining through the blinds of Mac's bedroom. Before even opening your eyes, you reach for the opposite side of the bed where Mac was laying last night and keeping you warm. The spot is now empty, so you groan at the feel of the still-warm sheets under your palm.

Barely finding the courage to open your eyes, you grab Mac's pillow and pull it toward you. While laying on your stomach, you pull the pillow to your body and inhale Mac's heavenly scent, making you feel relaxed and comforted. The memories of the past two days run through your mind. You had spent a rare lazy weekend with Mac, and it was nothing short of amazing. Most of the time you were lucky if you could spend a few peaceful hours with Mac before he was called in to work, so having a whole two days with him made it seem like you could be real people with normal lives - at least for a while.

Suddenly, you hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom door, and you realize Mac is still home. You grin as you picture him nearly-naked with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist — placed just below his hips. You imagine running your hands around his broad shoulders and all the way down his chest, past his belly button —much like you did last night.

You're pulled from your glorious daydream by the sound of Mac's voice from the shower. You notice that he's humming softly to what sounds like a Justin Timberlake song. You giggle slightly at the sound. You love it when Mac lets his guard down and feels like he can be completely comfortable around you.

You finally force yourself out of the insanely comfortable bed and shuffle your way over to the bathroom door. You softly open the door and lean against the door frame while listening to Mac's humming and watching his silhouette through the shower door.

After a moment, you finally speak, "Morning, handsome."

Mac jumps slightly, obviously oblivious to the fact that you had been standing in the doorway for quite some time. He peaks his head out of the shower with a smile before saying, "Morning, babe" with a small wink.

You decide to face the inevitable and you ask, "Let me guess. Matty called?"

Mac's face falls, apologetic. "Uh, Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay," you reply taking a step toward Mac. "It's not your fault." You trace your hand over Mac's wet hair and peck his cheek, careful not to get yourself wet from the shower hose. "I'll go make some coffee," you state nonchalantly, and Mac can sense a bit of disappointment in your eyes.

"I don't wanna hear the coffee pouring, a goodbye kiss, then lockin' the door. Yeah, sounds like leavin' you."

You make your way to the kitchen to make the coffee, and before you know it Mac enters the room. His hair is still damp but is brushed back with a few strands falling around his face. He's dressed in his faded jeans and button-down shirt neatly tucked into his brown belt - Ah, the things he could do with that belt (and not only in the field 😉) - But, you try to remove that sexy thought from your mind because thinking about that definitely won't make your time apart any easier.

He grabs two mugs from the cabinet as you pour the coffee. He thanks you as you hand him the mug with a sad smile.

"Hey, it'll only be a couple days, I promise," he assures while giving you a sweet kiss to the forehead.

"Yeah, I know. For this mission. But then what happens when the next mission pops up? I don't know, I guess I just wish things could always be like they were this weekend," you admit, pulling Mac lightly by the collar toward you. "I know that's kind of selfish."

Mac uses his free hand to lift your chin to meet his eyes. "No, it's not selfish at all. I know I can't change what I do, but I promise that when I do get home, I will happily try to make it up to you," he suggests with a smirk.

"You better," you joke.

Mac pulls your lips toward his for a long, sweet kiss. "I'll call you when the mission is over, okay?"

You nod as Mac reaches for the door and gives you one more smile before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

"It's a little too loud on the highway. I wanna pull back in your driveway. It's way too quiet at my place. I Wanna come on over, come on over. I just wanna hear that ringtone. I like it turned up when you're blowin' up my phone."

You decide to take a quick shower at Mac's place before heading to work yourself. Luckily, most of your things are already at his house - all of the essentials anyway.

After a long day at work, you check your phone for a message from Mac, but to no avail.

What's even worse than that comes when you arrive back at your apartment. You walk into the dark, empty space and sigh, feeling almost uncomfortable in your own apartment. It just doesn't feel like home anymore. Your real home is with Mac.

Later the next night, you're laying in your bed with the sheets still neatly made on the opposite side while reading a book. Finally, the sound you've been waiting for rings through the otherwise silent room. You immediately throw down your book and grab your phone from the nightstand. After a ring, you answer with hope in your voice.

"Hey, Y/N," you hear on the other end.

"Mac, please tell me you're home," you yearn.

"Well, you will be happy to know that our mission was a success, and yes, I am on my way home." Internally, you do a little happy dance. "And, I have a little surprise for you, so you wanna come over?"

Like that's even a question! At this point your mind is doing back flips from pure excitement, so you reply, "Of course! I'm leaving now."

"I Wanna hear you say come on over 'cause when you tell me to come on over, I like the sound of that."

When you reach Mac's house, his car is already parked in the driveway. You don't even have to knock before he opens the door for you.

Immediately, he pulls you into a long, lingering kiss while pulling your body flush against his own. Brushing your cheek with his hand, he says in a soft whisper, "Hi."

"Hi yourself," you reply sweetly.

"Come here," Mac beckons while pulling you toward the couch to sit down comfortably next to one another. "So, I was thinking about what you said the other day. I know it seems like we're always apart and that it's hard on both of us. And while I can't change what I do, I have an idea to make our situation a little more bearable."

Mac reaches to pull something out of his front jean pocket. You look down and see him holding a key. "I went and had this made before I came home," he starts while holding it out to you.

Excitement and a bit of shock covers your face, "Wait, Mac, what exactly are you asking me right now?"

He chuckles softly, "I'm asking you to move in with me." Then, he seems to second-guess himself. "Unless, oh my - Uh -," his eyes widen, "Do you not want to?"

"No, no, no," you grasp his hand reassuringly and with excitement. "I do! I really, really do!"

"Oh good," he sighs a breath of relief. "I was a little worried there for a second." You both laugh as you gladly take the key from Mac's hand.

"I love you Y/N, you know that?" he asks.

"I know, but I like hearing you say it," you wink. "I love you too, Mac."

"Yeah, I like the sound of that."

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