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A/N: Hellloooo!!!! I hope you all are doing well! This one is a request from little_magic and the song is from Nick Jonas. Happy reading! 👏📚🖇
Rating: Everyone


"Am I crazy? Have I lost ya? Even though I know you love me, can't help it."

Mac asked you to be his date for tonight's charity event for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. You've been dating for quite a while now, and spending a night in together is great. But, you still love going to these special events with him and getting all dressed up. Seeing Mac get all dressed up is an added bonus too.

But, despite all this, the night has quickly taken a turn for the worse as you try to carry a conversation with Bozer. But, your eyes won't stop wandering to a table where Mac is talking to none other than his newest coworker, Desi.

You watch as they laugh and smile at each other. You wrinkle your forehead when you watch Desi lean into Mac to whipser something in his ear and he smiles. Then, as if that weren't enough, she not so nonchalantly touches his thigh right above his knee, letting her hand linger a little too long.

"Y/N? You okay?" Bozer questions you.

Not moving your eyes from the scene in front of you, you tell him, "Yeah Boz. I'm good. It was great catching up, but I've gotta go. I'll see you later."

Determined, you strut over to where Desi and Mac sit, placing a hand on Mac's shoulder possessively. You plaster on your best smile. "Desi, great to see you," you lie. "Can I borrow Mac for a minute?"

Before she can reply, you're practically pulling Mac by the arm and ushering him to the side of the room.

"What the hell was that?" you ask him once you're both out of earshot of everyone else.

"What are you talking about?" he asks, clearly bewildered.

"Mac, she was all over you!"

"That's not true."

"I know what I saw, and it didn't exactly look like you minded it."

"Y/N," Mac smirks, "Are you jealous?"

"Psshhh," you brush it off. "No. Absolutely not."

"Mmhmmm. Sure." He gives you a quick kiss on the head. "I'm sorry to do this, but I've got to go talk to some old friends of mine. I'll see you later, okay?"

You just nod, biting your tongue.

"It's not your fault that they hover. I mean no disrespect. It's my right to be hellish. I still get jealous."

As he leaves, you find your way over to the bar and order two glasses of red wine. You down the first one in no time and hold the other one in your hand, contemplating doing the same with that one.

Riley sees you and walks over to ask you what's wrong.

"Nothing," you reply, undeniable agitation in your voice.

"That empty glass of wine would suggest otherwise."

"No, really. I'm good," you press on, your voice rising squeakily at the end.

"Okay." She raises her hands in defense. "If you say so."

She leaves and, after little contemplation, you finally decide to finish off the other glass in your hand, saying to yourself, "He wants to play dirty? I'll show him two can play at that game."


"'Cause you're too sexy beautiful. And everybody wants a taste. That's why I still get jealous."

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