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A/N: Helloooo to all of my faithful followers! Yes, I know it's been approximately 5,000 years since I updated, and I'm so sorry! Seriously, I know my stories have been very few and far between during the past year or so, and for that I apologize. I've been focusing more on other things and less on writing recently, but writing is still very much a part of my life. So, thank you so much to all of you who have stuck with me! This is one I've been working on for quite awhile, so I hope you enjoy it! 💛💛💛
Song: "Issues" by Julia Michaels
Rating: Everyone


The thing I love most about winter is it's the time of year when California finally cools down just a little, just enough to where I can wear a sweater without sweating through it. Moving here and getting used to not have the typical four seasons of the year I was used to on the East coast has been quite the adjustment. But, I wouldn't trade East Coast weather for a life spent with my fiancé of six months, Angus MacGyver.

Nonetheless, today I'm using the opportune weather to do my work on the back porch.

That's where Mac finds me after I hear the rumble of his truck pull up into the driveway and he comes striding through the door with a six-pack of beer in one hand and an old camera in the other. "Y/N, I'm home. You will never believe what I found during our stop in Peru..." I hear faintly, barely looking up from my spot seated cross-cross on the wooden deck.

"I'm jealous, I'm overzealous. When I'm down, I get real down. When I'm high, I don't come down. I get angry, baby, believe me. I could love you just like that, and I could leave you just as fast."

He stops dead in his tracks when he enters through the sliding porch door and finds me seated here, chewing on my pencil while I scroll through Pinterest on my laptop for unique baby-shower game ideas.

Meanwhile, blue ribbons, bows, and a thousand baby decorations are strewn across the entire deck.

"Wow. I'm actually speechless."

I glance up for just long enough to motion a hand to Mac, beckoning him to the spot next to me on the ground. "Come look at these ideas I have so far, and tell me if you think they're stupid or cute."

He chuckles softly but does as he's asked, "You know, when you said you would plan your friend's baby shower, you weren't kidding. This is... dedication."

I've already zoned him out again as he sits next to me. Knowing this, he waves a hand in front of my face, grabbing the pencil from my hand.

"Earth to Y/N?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sorry." I push my laptop away for the moment, looking up at Mac's face completely for the first time. "Hi."

He grins, and I pull him into me by the back of his neck, planting a kiss to his lips. "How was your trip?"

"Pretty cool. I found this old camera, and I'm going to try and fix it up." He lifts the camera he came in with, and I inspect it, running a hand over the slightly-rusted surface. "It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful." He beams and places the camera back down next to him, kissing me again softly.

Mac stands, asking about dinner. "We could order out."

"Sure. Sounds good to me." He takes me by the hand, helping me up, and I sway unsteadily as I try to stretch out my stiff muscles and joints from sitting far too long. "Whoa. How long was I sitting there?"

"You need a break. It's 7PM. You've been at it all day."

"I know, but Lizzy is one of my best friends, and I want her shower to be perfect. Once I got started, I just couldn't stop! Plus, look how cute this stuff is!" I pick up a onesie with zoo animals on it and show it to him.

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