"When You're Smiling" 🎃

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A/N: Happy Halloween! 👻 I've decided to give you guys a little surprise with a quick Halloween story. It's short and sweet, but perfect for the occasion. I hope you enjoy it and have a safe and happy Halloween! 🧡
Song: "When You're Smiling" By Louis Armstrong
Rating: Everyone


"When you're smiling, the whole world, it smiles with you. When you're laughing, well, the sun comes shinin' through."

"Ouch!" I groan as I bring the tip of my finger to my lips after pricking it for the thousandth time, this time drawing blood.

"Are you already regretting making homemade costumes this year?" My handsome husband wonders as he enters the space carrying one of our many boxes of Halloween decorations.

I roll my eyes at Mac's inquiry. "No, I just wish our children wouldn't have such labile minds. They can't seem to make a definitive decision when it comes to their costumes."

From behind my spot at the dining room table, Mac rests his chin on my head in comfort as he surveys my work so far. "What are you working on?"

"Ellen's cape."

"I thought she wanted to be that character from Frozen.... Elsa, right?"

"She did.... last week. Now she wants to be a superhero. When she found out her brother wanted to be a spy, she decided she needed, and I quote, 'a cooler idea.'"

"Both solid choices."

"And no doubt both influenced by their father," I suggest, nudging him in the side.

I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck as his lips find my jaw line, slowly moving downward. "What can I say? I'm very influential."

"...And incredibly humble, at that," I tease and swat him with a swatch of fabric. "Now stop distracting me. I need to get these done so I can work on our costumes."

Mac grins before picking up a wobbly, life-sized, ten-year-old skeleton from the box. "And the kids and I are going to get started with the decorations." But, before he dashes away, he gives me a quick peck on the lips. "All I know is that we are going to be the best-dressed family on the block."

***Halloween Night***

There isn't a single inch of this house that hasn't been covered in cobwebs, skeletons, pumpkins, and fake blood - or otherwise spookified. We do Halloween right in the MacGyver household.

And of course, the kids are beyond ecstatic for trick-or-treating. The sun has just begun to set when James comes barreling through the living room like a torpedo, still in his PJ's, which he refused to take off until it was time to get dressed in his costume. Meanwhile, I'm helping Ellen into her supergirl costume, tweaking my final touches.

"Jack, get back to your room and get dressed right now. You're going to make us late for trick-or-treating. If we're late, you miss out on all the candy."

"But, spies can transition to work mode in a minute or less," he explains matter-of-factly. "Haven't you seen any spy movies, Mom?"

But, I stand, hand on my hip. "Jack Jameson MacGyver..."

"Fine. I'll go," he submits before I can even finish my sentence.

"That's what I thought." I silently pat myself on the back, turning back to the safety pins in my hand. Even at eleven-years-old, the full-name ploy and mom-stare still work.

"Mommy, do I make a good supergirl?" Ellen wonders when I'm finally finished and she's practically giddy with excitement as she surveys her look in the mirror - dressed finely in her tights, cape, and hero mask.

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