"Gettin' in the Way"

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A/N: I'm still diligently working on fulfilling requests, and I've got another one for you guys! MiMCrazy sent me this story request, and I was happy to oblige. Let me know what you all think about it! Happy reading! 😘 📖
Song: "Gettin' in the Way" by Jill Scott
Rating: Everyone


"This Brazilian commercial airliner disappeared hours ago somewhere over the Amazon Rainforest," Matty explains as a map pops up on the war room's giant screen. The entire team is gathered, awaiting your newest assignment.

"So, it crashed?" Riley implies.

"Yes, that's the assumption. However, once the plane went down, we lost the ability to track it, and the trees are so thick..."

"...That we can't use infrared to see if there are any survivors," Mac adds in conclusion.

"Exactly. There may be survivors out there, so every hour counts. Y/N, Mac, Bozer, and Desi, your job is to go in there and find where the plane crashed."

"Wait a second. This plane went down in one of the most treacherous areas of the Amazon. Is this really a rescue mission or a recovery?" Desi wonders out loud.

"Hopefully it's a rescue mission."

"Hopefully? Exactly how treacherous are we talking here?" Bozer asks, horrified.

Mac adds plainly, "Indigenous people have actually lived in the Amazon Rainforest for centuries. They know how to survive with the necessary resources."

Desi perks up, "And we practically have our very own walking survival guide," she suggests, gesturing to Mac. "I'm sure we'll manage."

Mac smiles bashfully, and you roll your eyes at Desi's eagerness to compliment him.

Mac continues on, trying his best to reassure Bozer and everyone else," Hollywood always depicts the Amazon as extremely dangerous. The most dangerous part is the poisonous animals and insects, but most animals will only attack you if they feel threatened."

Bozer squirms. "That doesn't make me feel much better."

"...Other than that, the only real threat is the rough terrain. But, with the correct equipment, we should be fine."

You decide to tease Bozer. "But, we better watch out for the Amazonian Giant Centipede. It's notably the most poisonous animal in the Amazon."

"The what now?!" His voice goes up an octave and his eyes widen.

Mac chuckles. "You'll be fine, Boz. Let's go."


Hours later, the Phoenix jet drops you off somewhere in Brazil, leaving you with only the necessary equipment to survive and each other.

You pull out your tablet. "Riley helped me come up with this digital map of the area. We can cross off each section after it's been searched." You tap a few times, and a map appears. "Okay, so we know roughly where the plane disappeared off of the air traffic's radar. So, if we start off with a 5-mile radius all the way around..." You circle the area, tapping and drawing a few times... "this is the area where the plane is most likely to be."

Mac adds, pulling out blue and red flags, "Since the area is so dense with vegetation, everything can start to look the same. So, once an area is searched, we'll leave these flag markers to keep track of where we've been."

"Double tracking. I like it," Desi affirms.

Map in hand, the four of you set off. Birds caw and chirp in the background. You can make out the faint sound of animals, their calls mingling into one cacophonous echo. The misty environment leaves beads of moisture over everyone and every thing.

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