"Wrapped in Red"

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A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! It's that time of year again, and I have definitely been in the holiday mood. In case you haven't, I hope this story helps with that! It's inspired by "Wrapped in Red" by Kelly Clarkson 🔴, and I hope you love it! ❤️So, grab some warm fuzzies, hot cocoa, and cue the Hallmark Channel feels.🎄🎄🎄Haha! I hope you guys have the best holiday season! ⛄️❄️🎄
Rating: Everyone


"Everybody's happy. Snow is falling down. Prayers are being answered. Miracles all around."

You walk up the multiple flights of stairs to your apartment door, arms full of bags. That can only mean one thing... it's almost Christmas.

Carefully reaching to put your key in the slot, they all jingle and drop to the ground, and you groan.

"Hey, I got it!"

You turn to see your neighbor pick up the keys, unlock the door and so graciously offer to take some of the bags from your grasp.

"Thanks, Mac," you reply gratefully. "I convinced myself I was only making one trip up those steps."

"Well, it's a good thing I was here to help, then."

"You do tend to have the most impeccable timing," you suggest to him.

"I aim to please," he says while sitting your bags on your couch.

"So, when did you get back from your business trip?"

"This morning," he answers.

"Well, I'm glad you're here." You notice Mac smiles slightly, so you amend, "Um, you know, my gifts thank you."

"Well, tell them they're welcome, and so are you."

Wow. Was that as awkward as it sounded?

"So, catch ya later?" he asks you.

"I'm sure our paths are bound to cross."

You see him out and close the door, lightly pounding your head against it, saying to yourself, Girl, you are horrible at this.

"From afar I've loved you but never let it show. And every year another December comes and goes."

Yes, it's true, Angus MacGyver has been your neighbor for almost three years now. And it's also true that you've had the biggest crush on him ever since your eyes met that first day you passed in the hallway while you were moving boxes and he offered to help. And yes, it's been all this time, and you've yet to find enough courage to tell him how you really feel.


Later the same night you're working on your new novel, fighting for inspiration. You've always had a love of English, and that love only grew back when your college professor introduced you to all the classics. Austen. Dickens. Bronte. You can't seem to pick a favorite. That was when you knew being a novelist was your purpose and your calling.

So often your stories just come naturally, but lately you've lacked ingenuity. You're uninspired because your publisher told you that your next book needs to be a romance. Let's just say, that's a rough topic for you. You've always dreamed of the love stories that you read about, but you've never been lucky enough to experience that, and you know that trying to write this novel will not do the world of romance justice.

As the evening hours tick away, you tap on the screen of your laptop, chewing your lip, pushing up your reading glasses, and watching the cursor blink incessantly.

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