"What I Never Knew I Always Wanted"

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A/N: Hello! I hope you've been enjoying my imagines so far. I didn't plan on releasing another so soon, but I really enjoyed writing this one and couldn't stop. I hope you all love it too! It's based on the song "What I Never Knew I Always Wanted" by Carrie Underwood.
Rating: Everyone

"I Never was the kind to think about dressing in white. I wasn't waiting on a prince to come riding into my life. I Thought I was happy on my own until you came and proved me wrong."

You awake from your light slumber when you think you hear crying in the distance. When you adjust to reality, you rise up out of bed and quickly scan the baby monitor laying on your bedside table. You take a quiet sigh of relief when you see the little one on the screen sleeping soundly.

Life with a newborn baby has sent your maternal instincts into overdrive. This isn't the first time you've awoken thinking you heard your son crying, only to realize it was just your crazy mom brain playing tricks on you.

As you relax a little into bed, you turn to face the opposite direction where your husband is still sleeping away. He's lying on his stomach with his lips slightly parted to allow a small snore to escape. His eyes are jumping back and forth, and you know that he is off somewhere in dreamland. You smile as you watch the moonlight through the shades dance off his gorgeous features. Your eyes fall to his left hand, which is delicately placed on the pillow beside his face. The wedding band on his finger glimmers in the light, and you just lay there in awe wondering how you ended up with this amazing man beside you.

You think back to your wedding day. It was nothing flashy, just simple but sweet. You weren't worried about fancy cakes, elaborate settings, or dramatic displays. You wanted it to be about the two of you, and it was just that. Unlike most girls, you had never really thought about your wedding day. Most girls play dress up and pretend what it would be like to find their Prince Charming. On the contrary, you're a much more practical person. You never wanted to count on love finding you. The life you knew and the relationships you had witnessed had you convinced that "true love" was just a fictional entity created for movies and fairytales by some neurotic person who's life ambition was to crush little girls' dreams forever.

That is until you met Mac. You never believed it was possible to feel the kind of love you feel with him. But, there is one difference between what you have with Mac and what's portrayed in fairytales. Fairytales aren't real, but this incredibly kind, caring, handsome man beside you is as real as it gets.

Suddenly, you're pulled from your thoughts by a soft cry coming through the baby monitor - this time not a figment of your imagination.

"I never pictured myself singing lullabies and sitting in a rocking chair in the middle of the night. In the quiet, in the dark, you're  stealing every bit of my heart with your daddy's eyes. What a sweet surprise."

You walk into your two-month old's nursery in answer to his unnerving sobs. As you pick him up, you pull him to your chest and place sweet kisses on his cheek.

"Shhhh. Baby, don't cry," you soothe while rocking him back and forth. "Mommy's here." After checking to see if he is hungry or needs to be changed, he still continues to cry. So, you swaddle him in a nearby blanket and sit down in the nursery's rocking chair. You begin to hum a sweet lullaby - one that your own mother would always sing to you when you couldn't sleep.

As you rock your little bundle back and forth, you watch his eyes begin to drift shut - those eyes that are just like his dad's. Every time you look into them, you can't help but see Mac staring back at you. In fact, even at only a few months old, he's already the spitting image of Mac, and it warms your heart to know that this little boy could grow up to be just like him: compassionate, loyal, loving, intelligent, and brave. The joy that becoming a mom brought is stronger than you could ever imagine and more rewarding than anyone could ever try to describe. Despite the often long and sleepless nights, holding this precious boy, made from so much love, is one of the greatest feelings you ever could feel.

"I finally found what I never knew I always wanted. I couldn't see; I was blind 'til my eyes were opened. I didn't know there was a hole, something missing in my soul, until you filled it up with your love."

When he is finally back to a sound sleep, you gently place your tiny miracle back in his crib and watch him sleep for just a moment longer. Before long, you hear shuffling in the hallway and turn to see Mac sleepily standing in the doorway.

"Hey," he whispers in a tired voice, careful not to wake his son. "Are you watching him sleep again?" he almost chuckles.

"I can't help it," you admit. "He's just too adorable. I guess he gets that from his dad," you smile while beckoning Mac over to where you stand.

"Well, of course he does. Where else would he get it?" He jokes, and you roll your eyes playfully. "I heard him crying, and I thought you might need some help, but now it looks like you don't need it," Mac beams at the both of you. He turns to look directly at you and pulls you into his arms. "You know, you're pretty amazing."

"Well, you're pretty amazing yourself," you assure while placing your lips on your husband's for a sweet kiss. "Annndd, I think we did a pretty great job with that one," you suggest adverting your eyes to the still-sleeping baby in the crib.

"That we did," he gushes. "Now, what do you say we go back to bed?"

You nod and glimpse back at your little man again with a smile as Mac takes your hand, leading you back into your shared bedroom. Before long, you drift back to sleep in the arms of the man you love, contented with knowing that life has so graciously given you two wonderful things that, for the longest time, you never knew you always wanted.

"Life has a way of showing you just what you need and who you were made to be."

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