"Work From Home"

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A/N: Hello, and welcome back!!! 😁 Huge thanks to AbbeyNeal5 for requesting this story, and another huge thanks to dancingxxqueen for requesting this song by Fifth Harmony! I just fused the story and song idea into one, and I hope y'all love it! 💚
Rating: Some Mature Content


You roll over as your eyes flutter open. The spot next to you is still warm. But, it's empty, and your heart sinks a little.

This happens far too often. Mac just got home yesterday evening from a mission, and now he has to go back into work early this morning. In the last few months it feels like he's been gone more than he's been home.

Yawning, you throw the covers off and pull yourself out of bed. You shiver at the coolness in the air, so you find Mac's button-down draped over a chair to cover your body before you make your way down the hallway.

"Let's put it into motion. I'mma give you a promotion. I'll make it feel like a vacay, turn the bed into an ocean."

You can hear the shower running through the bathroom door, and an idea pops into your head. Opening the door softly, you quickly strip down and slide the shower door open.

You immediately wrap your arms around Mac's waist from behind as he stands in the warm water. You feel the heat radiating from his body as you stand close to him, and the sensation fills your body, slowly waking you.

"Hey there," he greets you.

"Morning," you reply.

"You're up early."

"I don't like sleeping without you there." You run your hands up along Mac's wet chest and softly kiss his back between his shoulder blades.

He turns around to face you, bringing his face to yours. One of your hands finds his wet hair while the other slowly slides down the front of his body, lower and lower and lower...

Mac takes in a sharp breath as you find just the right spot. You start lazily kissing his neck and down his chest.

He groans at the feeling of you touching him in all the right ways. But, he reluctantly tells you, "I have to go to work. We can't do this."

"Work can wait. I'd much rather keep doing this," you insist.

"So would I. Believe me. But, we can't." He stops your hand, pulling away. He gives you a quick peck on the lips and an, "I'm sorry."

Then, he leaves the shower, leaving you there dumbstruck and sexually frustrated.

You stand with the water cascading down your body, suddenly feeling so much colder than before.


"You don't gotta go to work, but you gotta put in work. You don't gotta go to work. Let my body do the work... We can work from home."

A little bit later, you're getting dressed after your, unfortunately uneventful, shower. You plop yourself down on the bed with a huff while Mac finishes getting ready for work.

Your eyes meet Mac's leather jacket hanging on the closet door, and a despicable thought crosses your mind. He hardly ever goes to work without that jacket. Just maybe you could use that to your advantage.

If he thought he could deny you, he's in for some good-hearted payback.


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