"One Less Lonely Girl"

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A/N: Happy Spring, everyone! 💕🌷🌼 It's one of my favorite times of year - a time of rebirth and new beginnings. So, speaking of new, I hope you guys like this story! Happy reading! 📖
Song: "One Less Lonely Girl" by Justin Bieber
Rating: Everyone


"And by the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Who would have thought that I'd be standing here, in front of the altar, at my little sister's wedding, watching her get married.... before me.

Where did my life go so wrong?

I'm happy for her, of course I am. She's so happy, so that makes me happy.

She did everything so perfectly. She fell in love with her high school sweetheart. They went to college together and got engaged right after graduation. I'm sure they'll be that couple with the big house on a hill, white picket fences, and 2.4 kids. They'll grow old together and live happily ever after.

Meanwhile, here I am. But, I couldn't possibly be jealous. The smile on her face right now as she stares in the eyes of her husband - her everlasting future - is enough to melt even the darkest of hearts.

I'm definitely not jealous at all.....

... Okay, maybe a little bit.


Time seems to pass at an agonizing, snail-like pace between the end of the ceremony and the beginning of the reception.

Finally, I step out with the rest of the bridal party into the outside venue - a canopied area surrounded by a rippling lake. The gorgeous scenery is accentuated by the vision of New England lighthouses on the horizon.

I try to take in the view, ignoring the incessant sound of my mother's voice beside me.

"Honey, who would have thought we'd be marrying off your little sister before you?"

"Here we go," I roll my eyes at the remark I knew I was bound to hear at some point today.

"Why don't you try internet dating? It worked for my friend Susie's daughter."

"I'm fine, Mom."

"Maybe if you spent a little less time working and a little more time finding a man...And maybe you could spruce up your look a bit." My eyes widen as she continues, "You're wearing far too much eyeshadow. You could use a little more rouge, though."

I roll my eyes. And so it begins.


But, my mother isn't the worst of them all. Once the bride and groom arrive for their first dance, I'm left dealing with the rest of our family. Their comments are no better.

From all the aunts asking "So, Y/N, is there any new man in your life...?"

To my Mother's friends wondering, "When are you going to finally settle yourself down....?"

"....Aren't there any nice single men out there?"

After all the obligatory, albeit excruciating, small talk, hours have passed, speeches have been made, cake distributed, and bouquets tossed. All of my maid of honor duties are checked off. So, I immediately make a beeline straight for the bar.

I beckon the bartender's attention, and his eyes widen at my determination. "Give me anything. I literally don't care what it is."


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