"Just a Little Bit of Your Heart"

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A/N: Hey everybody! How are you guys? I miss hearing from you all since I haven't been as active with updating my stories! But, I'm back with a new one for ya that was requested by melpnk I hope you all enjoy! 💙
Song: "Just a Little Bit of Your Heart" by Ariana Grande
Rating: Everyone 


"I don't ever ask you where you've been, and I don't feel the need to know who you're with. I can't even think straight, but I can tell that you were just with her. And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you."

"So, Mac, what's new with you?" my humble mother, Ruth, wonders from across the dinner table.

"Not a whole lot. Just living the dream as always," Mac jokes wittily.

"Is work going okay?"

"Oh yeah. Same old, same old."

As my mother and boyfriend continue to carry on small-talk conversation at the dinner table, I just scrape my fork absentmindedly against my plate as their two voices fade softly into the distance... until they're nothing but muffled white noise.

"Y/N.... honey?"

"Hmm?" My head snaps back to place at the sudden sound of my mother's voice.

"Where were you just now?"

"Oh, I don't know. Somewhere else, I guess." I look to Mac shyly, who's brows furrow. But, I can't stare into those eyes for too long. If I do, I know I'll break.

"Did you hear anything I was saying just now?" Ruth continues to wonder, objectively disproving.

"Sorry, no."

The truth is, I know I've been distant all evening. In fact, I've been increasingly more distant from everyone during the past few months. That's because I can't stop thinking about Mac and his job... or, more importantly, who he's working with. I know he has feelings for his coworker and teammate, Desi. It makes my skin crawl to think about all the time they share. I've tried really hard not to be the jealous girlfriend. I've tried to accept the fact that they have a close relationship. I mean, it's only natural that two people would become close when they work so tightly together and with so much at stake. But, I just can't shake this feeling.


Later, after dinner, Mac walks beside me to the car, ready to return home.

But, he stops me in the driveway, blocking the car door. "Y/N, are you okay? You seem so... detached lately."

"I'm perfectly fine," I retort with way more angst than I had intended, and I cower internally for allowing my true emotions to show.

"I don't ever tell you how I really feel 'cause I can't find the words to say what I mean. And nothing's ever easy. That's what they say. I know I'm not your only, but I'll still be a fool 'cause I'm a fool for you."

I try to reach past him and force the car door handle open, but he dodges to block again. I sigh heavily, adverting my eyes.

"Y/N, talk to me. What's wrong?"

Folding my arms in front of my chest, I contemplate my words. Everyone who knows me, especially Mac, knows I am the most stubborn person anyone could meet. But, one look in Mac's pleading crystal eyes, and I melt. "It's Desi," I finally admit, and I hate myself for saying it, but at the same time, I feel an unexpected and well-deserved weight lift off my heavy shoulders. As a product of my stubbornness, I am notorious for keeping my feelings hidden. "It's no secret you guys spend a lot of time together."

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