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A/N: Hi everybody! Huge thank you to ElenaAdeline for this song request! I'm trying super hard to get caught up on all of my requests. So, if you are someone who made a request, and it seems like you've been waiting for a long time, thank you for your patience! I WILL get to them all eventually. Love you guys! 💕💕💕
Song: "Saturn" by Sleeping at Last
Rating: Everyone


"That's 12 out. That leaves three still inside," you hear Matty announce over your walky talky. Wiping your forehead slicked with sweat, it's getting harder and harder to breathe in the thick, smoky atmosphere, and the heat radiating off of every surrounding structure nearly engulfs your entire body.

A few hours ago, there was a gas explosion in Bolivia. Fifteen civilians, that you know of, were trapped in the building above the explosion, and your team was sent as part of the rescue mission.

You all decided it was best to split up inside the building to cover as much area as possible, especially considering this is a time-sensitive mission. There's a good chance of a second explosion. And you have to get these people out before it happens.

A damp cloth covers your mouth in order to filter out the thick residual smoke from the explosion - Mac's idea of course. But, the heat from the small fires within the collapsed building singes the small hairs on your arms. The sweat rolls down every inch of your body, your entire body feeling nearly suffocated. The feeling is similar to what it's like when you open the oven and the heat hits your face, except in this situation, you're in the oven.

Rummaging through the wreckage and the partially-blocked pathways, you search for any definitive sign of life. Your feat seems nearly hopeless when over an hour passes without finding a single person.

But, finally, your heart quickens when you hear a faint tapping in the distance. That has to mean a survivor is close by.

Fighting through the wreckage, pieces of metal burn your skin from the intense heat. But, with every step, the tapping grows louder and louder, encouraging you to keep going through these grueling conditions.

Finally, you spot the civilian trapped under some debris. She's frantic and tapping in a dazed trance. Something about her seems familiar, almost like you've met before.

You crouch down to her level, quickly surveying her situation. "My name's Y/N. I'm going to get you out of here," you assure her.

But, she begins speaking in hurried Spanish, tears rolling down her face.

You quickly announce over your walky to the others, "I found a civilian over on the West edge of the building."

Matty reports, "Good. Both Riley and Bozer are on their way out with two others. You need to hurry, though. We've picked up some underground movement in the adjacent gas line. Another explosion could be moments away."

You turn back to the woman on the ground.

"Habla ingles?"

"Un poquito," she tells you.

You try to remember your Spanish the best you can. "Como te llamas?"


"Maria, te voy a ayudar."

She nods, tears continuing to stream down her face.

You look at her leg, which is trapped under a large fallen pipe. You take a deep breath readying yourself to try to lift it. It's the only way she's getting out of here alive.

Your hands burn at the touch of the hot metal, and you clench your teeth. The pipe doesn't budge. Fingers now nearly numb, you take off the outer button-down shirt you had tied around your waist, wrapping it around the pipe for leverage, and you lift again. Finally, it moves just enough to get Maria's leg out. She winces in pain while trying to move her crushed limb.

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