"Woke Up Like This"

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Hey guys! Here is the third and final part of my miniseries. This one is pure fluff. ☁️ ✨ I've had a lot of fun writing this series! Thanks again to elizabeth0078332 for giving me the original idea. This one is based on "Woke Up Like This" by Chris Young. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing! 😁
Rating: Some Mature Content


Part three: Post-wedding 💜

"There's empty champagne glasses. And our clothes, they're all scattered across the room; your high heel shoes are right where you kicked 'em off. Your head is laying on my chest, and your brown eyes are stealing my breath. Just me and you and the sun coming through the window is all we have on."

Your eyes softly flutter as you gradually awaken from your comfortable slumber.

Your mind is a little fuzzy from your deep sleep as your mind orients to your surroundings. Soon the events of yesterday and last night fade clearly into your memory, and a wide grin spreads across your face.

You're married.

For a split second, it feels like a dream. Did that really happen? You find your inner self asking in disbelief. Honestly, If it weren't for the man lying beside you soundly asleep, you'd be certain it really was all a dream.

Somehow, you don't think you'll ever get tired of saying it. You're Married.

Your head is snuggled against Mac's warm chest as it rises and falls with each beautiful breath. His arm is lightly draped around you, making you feel so comforted and safe. A slight snore softly escapes his lips, and you admire his gorgeous face — wondering what he's dreaming about behind those eyes of his.

You carefully brush your hand lightly across his forehead, moving a few stray strands of his blonde locks away from his face, and he stirs slightly. For a minute you contemplate just staying like this forever — admiring him as he sleeps. But then a mischievous idea pops into your head.

You rustle the sheets, moving softly and skillfully until your legs are on either side of Mac's waist. You lean down, just barely ghosting his lips with your own. Slowly, taking your time, you move downward to his neck, making each kiss just a little more forceful.

Finally, his eyes softly flutter and he lets out a small groan as your mouth makes its way lower and lower past his chest and torso. You know you've done something right when you feel him react in the most wonderful way.

Looking up to meet his sleepy smile, you greet, "Morning, handsome."

"Morning, gorgeous. You know, I could get used to waking up like this."

Sliding back up on top of Mac, your face meets his, and you give him a meaningful kiss on the lips. "We've got our whole lives, baby."

"I can't help but love this view. I can't get enough of looking at you with that sleepy little smile on your face."

"You know," Mac begins while twirling your long hair in his hand. "I had the craziest dream last night."

"Oh, yeah? What was that?"

"Well, There was a wedding."

"Mmm. Okay."

"I was the groom, and I was marrying this insanely gorgeous woman."

"Really? That's funny. I think we both had the same dream."

"You were marrying a gorgeous woman?" He quirks an eyebrow at you.

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