"Illicit Affairs" (Pt. 2)

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A/N: Welcome back, and thank you for your patience with this second part! I hope you guys love it as much as I loved writing it! Once again, thanks to Jocee0Lin for the request! 💚💚💚
Song: "Illicit Affairs" by Taylor Swift
Rating: Everyone (with minimal mature content)


"Leave the perfume on the shelf that you picked out just for him so you leave no trace behind, like you don't even exist. Take the words for what they are - a dwindling, mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times."

The next day, with my mind still swirling with intrusive thoughts about Mac dating, I meet my friend Christina at a quaint, low-key restaurant downtown for brunch.

As the waiter brings us some orange juice and pastries, Christina sets me with an intent, curious gaze. "So...?"

Taking a sip of the tangy, orange liquid, I feign innocence, "So, what?"

"You know exactly what. How's it going with your quote-on-quote 'friend,'" she wonders with a suggestive smirk, air quotes and all.

I roll my eyes. "Shut up. I blame you for getting me into this whole mess."

"Mess. What mess?" As she takes a sip of her mocha cappuccino, I absent-mindedly play with my food until my fingers are a sticky mess. Realization must dawn on her, and her eyes widen. She shakes her head, pursing her lips. "Y/N! Don't tell me you fell for him."

"No, of course not," I insist.

"Then, what's the problem?"

"I don't know! This whole thing - it just makes me feel dirty."

"Then, call it off," she reasons, as if doing so is as easy as switching a light off.

I wish I could, I think. But, I don't dare tell her that.


The rest of the day is spent as a lazy Sunday at home, and I don't hear a single word from Mac. No call, no text, nothing.  Of course, this has allowed my mind to run rampant with the possibilities of last night's date.

Come Monday morning, I've convinced myself that I'm not going to let his new love life ruin me. My worth does not hinge upon our arrangement, nor what anybody else thinks.

So, I arrive to work with my head held high. But, as the day goes on, I find my facade inevitably slipping.

Every time I look at Mac, I'm picturing him with this illusive woman. Where did he take her? How far did they go together? That thought nearly makes me nauseous, and my subconscious runs to hide her head under a pillow.

At no point during our new mission today does he ever even allude to the fact that he had a date. Is he just not going to tell me? Granted, I don't know what the proper protocol is for talking about your dates with the person you're sleeping around with.

When we arrive back to the Phoenix after our short, but still demanding, mission, all I can think about is going home, collapsing on the couch, and eating an entire pint of ice cream.

After everyone else has filed out of the War Room following our debrief, Mac catches my eye. I do my best to ignore the heat that spreads deep within my body at his stare alone. As I reach for the door, he does the same, our hands brushing. But, I pull away.

He smiles, not even phased. "So, you wanna come over tonight?"

And for a moment, I'm shocked at his audacity. So, either his date the other night didn't go well... or it did go well and he still just wants what's convenient for him. The thought of the second option just nauseates me further.

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