"Only Us"

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A/N: Hey everyone! Happy November!🍁 It's the season for giving thanks, and I am forever grateful for every single one of you. Of course, I hope you all enjoy this new one. And, as always, let me know what you think in the comments.🧡
Song: "Only Us" by Ben Platt and Laura Dreyfuss
Rating: Some mature content


After eight years of marriage, I guess it makes sense that the spark we once had would begin to dim a little bit. Maybe it happens to everyone. From work obligations to social obligations, the craziness of day-to-day life takes a forefront. It's expected, perhaps. Maybe every couple eventually begins to lose sight of the passion that they once had, or maybe love just evolves into something new.

Maybe it's simply a lull we're experiencing. Every flame waxes and wanes - it's what flames naturally do. They burn bright until the fuel sustaining them wears down. And then we stoke them and add some more sustenance, and viola, they're back to burning just as brightly as before. But, what does it mean when the spark that ignited an entire fire of a relationship completely burns out? What happens when it's gone completely?

As I contemplate this thought on another quiet morning, I can't help but stare up at the stark white ceiling above me. The slight chill in the air within the house reminds me that I'm waking up alone yet again. In fact, I've never remembered a day nearly as quiet as this one. I never imagined being one of those people wondering how my life got so... mundane. As I turn to face the empty spot next to me, I affirm that this bed has truly never felt so empty.

I've never felt so empty.

What makes it worse is that this is supposed to be a special day. In fact, I remember many years when it was one of the most special days of our year, starting with this exact day ten years ago...

"I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you. I don't need you to search for the proof that I should. You don't have to convince me. You don't have to be scared you're not enough 'cause what we've got going is good."


I've been so careful not to wake Mac up all morning even while rummaging through all of my baking supplies. I want to surprise him so badly, and he is not an easy guy to surprise.

So, as I tiptoe down the hall to the sound of his light snoring, I have to stifle a giggle. I hold my hand in front of the small, burning candle that rests on the top of the birthday cupcake in my other hand to prevent it from burning out. The bedroom door creaks slightly while I sit the birthday treat on the bedside table and brush my hand softly over Mac's forehead. He stirs lightly from his comfortable slumber as I then place a soft kiss to his lips.

"Are you my new alarm clock? Because I could definitely get used to this," his sultry voice wonders out loud.

"We'll see about that. But, no more time for sleeping. It's a special day."

His head turns to see the cupcake sitting on his bedside table, but his face unexpectedly falls at the sight.

And my heart breaks a little. "What's the matter? Do you have some crazy aversion to cupcakes?"

"No, just to my birthday."

"What?! That's insane. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated."

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