"After You"

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A/N: I heard you all loud and clear! Here is the second part to "Sleeping With the Telephone." Thank you guys for waiting, and I hope you enjoy it! Much love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Song: "After You" by Meghan Trainor
Rating: Everyone


"Is this all we get? One short life? Tell me we've got time. I saw a world without you there. Somehow, you weren't mine."

"Hello?" you say groggily and shakily through the phone, not even taking the time to look at the caller ID.

"Y/N?" You recognize that it's Riley's voice on the other end.

"Riley, what's wrong? It's Mac, isn't it?"

"There was an accident. It all just happened so fast, and they had to rush Mac into surgery," she rambles off. You can hear her voice start to break on the other end of the line. "It doesn't look good."

The phone nearly falls out of your hand as a cold sweat breaks out across your body. Before you can even think, you're jumping out of bed and fumbling for your keys, almost as if your body has switched over to autopilot.

"Where are you?" you ask her, realizing you have no idea where you should be headed. You just know that, wherever it is, you won't stop until you get there.

"We were on our way back from our original mission when we got called into another one here in California. They choppered Mac over to Northridge Medical Center when everything happened. He's going into surgery now. Y/N, please be careful. You shouldn't drive when you're this upset."

"I'll be fine." And you hang up before she can refute, solely fixed on trying to get to the hospital.

Unsure of how much time passes, or even exactly how you got there in such a frenzy, you finally reach the hospital, searching for the family waiting room.

You soon find Riley, Matty, and Bozer already there. Riley looks like she's been through absolute hell, and you realize she must have been with Mac when everything happened. That's when, for the first time, you realize that you're still in your pajamas. So, with your messy bed head and frantic face you probably don't look much better than she does.

When you reach them all, Bozer is the first to pull you into an enormous hug, trying to comfort you. It's all you can do not to break down into tears.

"What happened?" you wonder.

"He took a major hit from some falling rocks as he was trying to save a group of civilians from a building collapse. He got them out but went back in to save one that we didn't originally know was there. That's when everything started to fall. It was almost an hour until another rescuer found him unconscious. They said their biggest worry was the chance of internal bleeding."

You can't hold back the tears as you think about Mac lying there in the rubble, hanging on for dear life and all alone.

"Y/N, breathe," Matty intervenes. "He's in excellent hands."

"Are you okay?" you turn and ask Riley, unable to ignore how shaken up she seems.

"Yeah, I made it out before everything fell. But, I wish I would have stayed to help him."

"Don't do that to yourself," you insist. "It's not your fault." And you give her a tight hug as you both try your hardest not to break down.

You sit in the uncomfortable chairs of the waiting room along with the team. No matter how hard you try, you can't even begin to relax. You try to calm your shaking hands, looking at the time nearly every five minutes. But, a few hours go by with no new information.

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