"Ticket To LA"

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A/N: Hi everyone! I hope everybody is doing well. It's been cold and snowy where I live - which is perfect weather for some writing! ❄️📖 🤓 So, here's a new one for you! I know my last story was pretty heavy, so I thought I'd give you a nice cute, fluffy, story. I love you guys! 💜
Song: "Ticket to LA" by Brett Young
Rating: Everyone

***Mac's POV***

Ding, ding, ding. "Attention passengers, this is your pilot speaking. Unfortunately, we're going to have to make an unexpected landing. We're beginning our descent now and will be landing at JFK airport in about thirty minutes. From there, you'll receive additional information about when we will be able to continue our journey. I apologize for the inconvenience, but your safety is our priority."

Ughh. This is why I hate commercial airlines. Too bad I can't use the Pheonix jet for personal trips. Not for lack of trying, but both Russ and Matty quickly denied my request.

Gazing out the airplane window at the orangey-red sky, I watch as the sun begins to set on another day, making way for the moon and stars.

When we land thirty minutes later, I step off the jetway, and the loud bustling of JFK airport fills my senses. With people everywhere and running amuck, after checking in with the gate agent, I find the quietest and least-crowded spot I possible can to make a phone call.

The phone rings a couple times on the other end before going to voicemail. I leave a quick message, "Hey, Tony. Bad news. My plane was grounded for mechanical issues. I'm not sure when we'll take off again. I don't know when I'll make it to Boston. I'll call again when I have updates."

"Not that you ever even listen to my voicemails or even care all that much," I mumble to myself after hanging up. Why did I even agree to go to this wedding?

I sigh again, rubbing a hand over my face. I look around the crowded area - a sea of people - some seated, others standing - and I search for any empty spot.

It's crazy when you really think about the nature of airports. It's just a bunch of people gathered together from all over the world. There's no way to know where people are from or if they're coming or going. They're all just people with a thousand, unique stories. Some are sleepy from endless hours of travel, others aggravated by all the waiting, others excited to see loved ones, nervous about flying, or filled with the uncertainty of a new adventure.

In the pond of people, one person catches my eye. I stop in my tracks, and an instant smile spreads across my face - without even having to think about it.

With her head in a book, she studies the material on the page, biting her lip and twisting a stray strand of hair. Her reading glasses sit delicately on the bridge of her nose, framing her gorgeous doe eyes.

I grab my carryon from the ground, suddenly entrapped by her sheer presence. I notice the seat next to her is empty. So, perhaps against my better judgement, I make my way over and take a seat by her side.

"Gate 22, two hour delay. She was waiting on a plane to LA. I didn't see the harm in sitting down at the wrong gate. She said 'Hello, where you headed to?' I didn't lie, but I bent the truth. Said, 'I'd go anywhere with you,' and before long...."

She sighs at the same time I sit, jamming the book on her lap shut and pulling her glasses off. She pinches the bridge of her nose and squeezes her eyes shut. I read the cover of the text out of the corner of my eye: "Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach."

She must notice me trying not to stare (and failing miserably) because she turns and says, "Believe me, it's as frustrating as it looks."

My eyes move from the book cover to her eyes staring back at me. She smiles the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, and it nearly takes my breath away. Her entire face glows with warmth, and I can just tell she's the kind of person who could get along with anyone - the kind of person who sparks conversation with a total stranger in an airport. She's one of a kind.

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