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A/N: Hello my lovelies! I just want to say thank you to everyone who keeps reading, voting, and sharing kind words! I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are enjoying what I write! With that being said, I have a new one for you. This one is inspired by "Speakers" by Sam Hunt. )Photo Credit to the official MacGyver Instagram page.) I hope you enjoy this one!
Rating: Mature content implied


"Uh, Mac, when you said you had a 'fun and romantic weekend' planned, this isn't exactly what came to mind," you joke while trying to catch your breath in the crisp mountain air.

"Trust me, it'll be worth it," he suggests.

At this point, your legs feel like they are about to give out. Who knew hiking could be this strenuous?

"Seriously, Mac. I think my legs are on fire. We've been climbing this hill for the past hour."

"We're almost there, I promise," he turns to look at you with reassurance and takes your hand to lead you the rest of the way.

After about fifteen more agonizing minutes, Mac lets go of your hand and stops you in your tracks. He grins before insisting, "Okay, close your eyes."

"What? Why do I have to close my eyes?"

"Because. Come on, humor me, why don't you? Close 'em."

A little unsure, you finally decide to comply. "Alright, they're shut. Now what?"

"Here I'll lead you. Just a few more feet." You can sense the excitement in Mac's voice as he talks.

After a moment, Mac brings you to a halt, and you can feel the breeze on your face as it rustles through your hair.

"Okay, you can open them."

As your eyes flutter open, your gaze meets the most beautiful view you have ever seen. You're standing on top of a hill that overlooks the trees below for what seems like miles. It's late afternoon, so the sun is about to set. You can see just a faint hint of red in the sky as the sun begins to lower into the horizon to make way for the moon that is just barely a faint shadow.

"Wow. This is-  I don't know what to say. This is breathtaking," you confer in amazement.

You turn to face Mac, and you're met with the most sincere smile. "I knew you'd like it up here. I came here with my grandfather a few times, and I've always wanted to come back. I just needed someone to come here with." Taking your hand and stepping closer, he continues, "And I couldn't think of anyone better than you."

You smile before placing a sweet kiss on Mac's cheek. "I love it, thank you."

"So, what do you say we set up camp?" Mac wonders.

"Okay. So, you gonna teach me 'Wilderness Survival 101,' or what?"

"Well, I would love to because we both know I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve. But, I thought we could spend a little less time talking about that, and a lot more time doing something else."

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