"For Her"

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Hi all! So, this one comes from a request from unofficialargent It was originally a Christmas imagine request, but since it is almost Easter, I had an idea to change it up a bit. (I hope that's okay 😬), and I hope you like it! ☺️I paired it with the song "For Her" by Chris Lane. Hopefully it gives you all some happy Spring vibes!
Rating: Everyone


"She's got a smile that makes your worst day feel like it's your birthday. She's got a laugh like confetti. I'd change her name if she'd let me. She's got a way of changing the game. The way that you play is never the same."

Sitting comfortably on the couch, you scribble in your brown leather journal. Your day off has been pretty successful so far: a morning jog, a trip to the grocery store, and a few loads of laundry. Now, it's late afternoon, and you're completely bored.

You close your journal and lightly tap on the bind with your pencil. Usually, on a spring day like today, you would be out enjoying the warm LA weather. But, not today, because around noon, the clouds rolled in and Mother Nature decided to wreak havoc. She left the sky dark and stormy and your day unpleasant in every way.

One good thing about today is that Mac, your live-in boyfriend, is actually home, which doesn't happen too often. But, right now he's busy tinkering with one of his latest contraptions.

Part of you wants to interrupt, but another part of you feels wrong interrupting when you know he's so focused.

Inevitably, boredom wins in your internal battle, so you decide to go see what he's doing.

Approaching the bedroom, you glance through the doorway and see Mac hard at work, laser focused on the project in front of him. You nonchalantly clear your throat to get his attention.

No response.

So, you decide on a more obvious approach. "Mac?" 


"Watcha doin'?"

"I'm fixing the gears on this so that when it turns...." Mac glances at you and your bewildered face, and he realizes you didn't really come in here for an explanation. So, he stops explaining. "Let me guess, you're bored?"

"Obvious, is it?" you ask.

"Only a little."

You make your way over to where Mac sits, intent on using your charm to convince him to spend time with you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind, gently slipping your hand beyond the collar of his T-shirt. You graze your hand over his chest. "We should do something fun," you suggest.

He leans back in his chair, and you take the opportunity to move around to his front and sit on his lap.

"Well, you could help me with this stuff if you want. I could use another set of hands," Mac concludes, gesturing to the array of gadgets sprawled out on his desk.

You wrinkle your nose up at him, unamused. "That sounds super fun..." you trail off sarcastically, and Mac just chuckles. Then, you think for a moment before an idea hits. "...But actually, I have a better idea."

"Oh, really?" Mac asks with a raised eyebrow, and you know what he's alluding to. His hands find your waist as his eyes scan you up and down.

"That is not what I meant," you roll your eyes playfully.

"Okay. Then, what did you mean?"

You stand from Mac's playful embrace and hold your hand out to him. "Come here."

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