"You Ain't Here to Kiss Me"

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A/N: Helloooo Wattpadders! How are you guys? So, I was going through some of my most recent stories, and I decided to write a second part to my story titled "'Ticket to LA.'" This song instantly gave me inspiration for it! As always, let me know what you think! 💚💚💚Song: "You Ain't Here to Kiss Me" by Brett Young
Rating: Everyone


NYC. "The Big Apple." "The City that never Sleeps." It's one of the busiest cities in the world with something new happening at every turn.

So, why does it seem to mundane right now?

As I stand here in front of the huge window connecting my office to the big city, I ponder this thought with furrowed brows. As a new junior associate at one of the biggest, best, and most competitive law firms in the state, I should be nothing but happy staring at this otherwise impeccable view. But, all I can think about is how it pales in comparison to the view of the familiar LA skyline from Mac's house.

I turn away, intent on finally getting some work done this morning. As I sit in my plush office chair, I bring my coffee tumbler to my lips - it seems to be the only thing that gets me through long hours as a new practicing lawyer. But, despite the stacks of papers and piles of cases to sort through on my desk, my mind wanders. Against every will in my body, I pull open my top desk drawer, feeling at the back for a solid picture frame. When I pull it out, my heart sinks at the sight of the picture placed delicately inside - a candid photo of me and Mac at Malibu beach, surrounded by crashing waves and shimmering sunlight.

"Y/N, they need us in conference room 3." I nearly jump, startled at the command from a fellow junior associate. I look up to see him standing in the doorway impatiently. So, I shove the picture back in its most recent home.

"Okay. I'll be there in a second."

I stand to go, intent on moving past this momentary lapse. I mean, this has been my dream for a while. I should be happy.

But, I take one more glance back at the NY skyline and whisper to myself, "What if I've made the biggest mistake of my life?"


"Home for seven days and I haven't even seen your face. I guess I've got a flight to change. There ain't nothin' left to say. If you really don't have it figured out by now, there's no need for me to hang around. I've gotta get out of town."

I've always been a bit of a free spirit. I've never learned how to stay in one place for long, and perhaps that was a product of my upbringing. My parents moved around all the time from when they were young, so it's only natural that, as I grew up, I started to do the same. That is, until there came a time when I wasn't the only one affected by my free spirit.

Mac is finally coming home today. He's been away for a very long trip, and I've been dying to see his face. After three years together, our relationship has certainly grown rather serious.

That's why what I have to tell him is driving me insane. I've been nothing but anxious for the past several days since I got an official job offer from Sullivan and Cromwell LLP - one of the most prestigious law firms in New York. Since starting law school, I dreamed of applying there. I never imagined I would be accepted as a junior associate right after graduation. But, here it is. And I have to figure out a way to tell Mac. I mean, this is my dream - it's the reason I went to law school. But, Mac is also my dream. Our relationship is the dream I never knew I had until we met that night I moved to LA.

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