"I Hate You, I Love You"

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A/N: Hi all! This one is a request from AbbeyNeal5. Thank you for the idea, and I'm sorry it took so long! The song is "I Hate You, I Love You" by Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien. I know the song is a bit heavy, but I used some of its lyrics in a more fun way because the story is just kind of cute and fluffy. Of course, thank you to everyone for your continued support! 😊
Rating: Suggests some mature content


"Alright, who did it?!" Bozer yells while practically crashing through the doors to the War Room. Luckily, Director Webber has yet to arrive. That leaves you, Mac, and Riley waiting for her to debrief you on your next mission.

"Bozer, what are you talking about —," your boyfriend, Mac, starts to ask before he sees Bozer stride in covered from head to toe in gold glitter. He begins to chuckle.

"It's not funny!" Bozer growls.

With that, Desi finally walks in - "Hey guys. Whats u-- Whoa, what the hell happened to you?" she asks in Bozer's direction.

Livid, he raises an accusatory finger at Desi. "You! I bet it was you. Where have you been, huh?

"Whoa, Boz-" Riley chimes in.

"No, I've got it figured out. I bet she just wanted to see my reaction first-hand when this glitter explosion happened, so I bet she hid out in the lab. That's why she's late."

"No, I'm late because -"

"Oh save it. You're just bitter because you accused me of that prank pulled on you the other week. You wanted to get back at me. But, I told you I didn't do it!"

"Bozer," Desi presses on. "I didn't do this. I swear."

"Then, who did?" he turns to glare at the rest of you, thinking the culprit will break if he stares long enough.

Riley stifles a laugh while staring at Bozer looking as if the craft store just threw up on him.

"You know," Bozer starts again, "I bet it was the same person who somehow managed to reprogram Sparky to sing in Spanish every time I walk into the room." His glare hones in on Riley.

"Why do you assume that was me?" she asks, offended.

"Last time I checked, you're the only one who knows enough about computers to be able to reprogram him."

"I'm flattered by that, but I'm telling you it wasn't me."

Finally, you look up from the couch you're seated on to add your two-cents. "Won't you just all get over your childish pranks, already?"

Bozer raises an eyebrow at you. "Excuse me?"

You roll your eyes. "I'm just saying that all these games are doing is pitting everyone against each other. It's stupid."

"You know, come to think of it, you and Mac are the only two who haven't been pranked. I bet you're both in this together." Bozer looks to Riley and Desi as if he's had some sort of revelation and tells them, "They're teaming up against us!"

Mac answers, "That's ridiculous."

But, before you can say anything more, Matty walks in.

Nevertheless, Bozer scoffs under his breath, "This isn't over."

After a sideways look at Bozer's glittery mess, Matty starts her debriefing. Seated behind the large screen, you watch as Mac tries to grab a paperclip from the big bowl on the table — a sign that the gears in his mind are turning. But, as he pulls one paperclip out of the bowl, the rest follow along in a long chain.

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