"Too Good at Goodbyes"

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A/N: Hey everyone! Thank you to diana_S_A_m for requesting this story, and, as always, I hope you like it! (The song is one of my favorites from Sam Smith!) 😊
Rating: Everyone



It's crazy how a word loses meaning after you hear it so many times.

You're used to saying goodbye.

First, it was your dad leaving when you were fifteen. Then, it was your mom when she remarried and moved to London with her new husband right before you started college. Then, it was your sister, who promised to always be with you, until she got that promotion and moved across the country. Then, it was your college boyfriend who left you for someone else after an entire year together. Then, it was your next boyfriend who left you because you 'worked too much.'

Saying goodbye has become second nature to you - so much so that you're starting to become completely desensitized by the word. It's a product of your upbringing, of your entire life experience.

That's why you're here - sitting in your car outside a familiar apartment building.

The truth is, you downright hate yourself right now. You messed up, but you don't know how to fix the mess you've made...

***5 hours earlier***

You've finished another day of work at the Phoenix Foundation - a secret government organization disguised as a think tank. But, contrary to how it may sound, the job has been pretty boring lately. In fact, your boss Matty has your team doing mostly paperwork.

That's why the most interesting part of your day ends up being the phone call you get from your landlord just as you're about to pack up and go home for the weekend.

"Hey, Leon," you answer in surprise. He usually only calls if something is wrong. "Is everything okay?"

He breaks the news that no apartment tenant ever wants to hear.

"A pipe?" you clarify. "How bad is it?..... A week?!..... Yeah, okay. I'll be fine. Don't worry."

You hang up with a sigh, and Mac, who overheard the one-sided phone conversation asks, "What's the matter? That didn't sound good."

"No, it's not. A pipe burst in my building, the basement flooded, and the plumbing went completely haywire. So, I have to find somewhere else to stay for a while until my landlord can get it all fixed."

"Yikes. But, you know you can stay with me?" He gives you that cute little half-smile of his.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course. It's not like you've never stayed over before," he acknowledges with a smirk. "I am your boyfriend. That's what boyfriends do for their girlfriends. Not to mention, it's been kinda lonely ever since Bozer moved in with Leanna. Plus, we can learn what it's like to live with one another. It might prepare us for the future."

Mac smiles, thinking about it, and you do your best to fake a smile too. But, deep down inside a strange heaviness settles in the pit of your stomach.


"You must think that I'm stupid. You must think that I'm a fool. You must think that I'm new to this. But, I have seen this all before."


Now that's a scary word - one that you don't usually think a whole lot about. You've never been able to. Not when everything in your life always changes so fast.

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