"Close as Strangers"

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A/N: Hi everybody! Happy Summer! ☀️ I hope wherever you guys are, you're all enjoying some summertime sunshine! Welcome back, and thank you to everyone who has been waiting and requesting a new update. I finally have a new one for you, and it is a song request from mellicko Thanks for the request, and of course, I hope you all like it!
Song: "Close as Strangers" by 5 Seconds of Summer
Rating: Everyone


"Six weeks since I've been away. And now you're sayin' everything has changed. And I'm afraid that I might be losing you. And every night that we spend alone, it kills me thinking of you on your own. And I wish I was back home next to you."

Silence fills the empty void. Who knew the quiet could be so lonely? Tick, tock....... Tick, tock.

Unable to stand the incessant sound any longer, I have to push the covers back with a huff and crawl out of the warm bedsheets to pick my watch up off the nightstand, before shoving it in the jewelry box drawer with a loud thud. Needless to say, my nerves are on edge, and even the light sound of a wristwatch ticking is enough to set me off.

Six weeks. That's how long it's been since Mac left... Six weeks of hearing nothing... of being as close to single as I've been in the past three years since we started dating. I remember clearly the conversation we had on that fateful day when he tore my world in two, when he told me he had been assigned to a deep-undercover operation. I knew something was wrong from the moment he walked through the door of my apartment.


The familiar sound of the front door clicking open fills my ears, and I jolt from my bedroom to the living room to greet my boyfriend.

"Mac! You're just in time! I need help figuring out which dress to wear to this thing tonight! I was thinking my red dress, but then I thought that might be a little too bold. I don't want to stand out when it's my sister's engagement party..."

As I drone on, I finally turn to face Mac, taking in the sight of that somber gaze I've come to know all too well... It's the same one he gets when he tells me he has to cancel our plans and leave for an emergent, high-stakes mission. I've mentally prepared myself for it at any time now.

Of course, the slight disappointment I feel when Mac cancels plans on me is nothing like the feeling I get when he hits me with this bombshell...

"Y/N, I have something to tell you, and I think you should sit down for it."

My face falls. Naturally, the first thousand worst-case scenarios I can think of begin to flood my brain. "Are you okay? Is it your Dad? Is he okay? Is everyone at work alright? Oh no, are you breaking up with me...? Because the night of my sister's engagement party isn't really the best time to do that, you know..."

Mac's eyes soften, and he shakes his head. "No, it's not that." He softly takes my hand and sits on the couch with me.

And, as I'm soon about to realize, this may as well have been a break up...

"Y/N, I know you were looking forward to tonight, and that's why I didn't want to tell you this now. But, if I don't, I'll be pushing through the night with it eating away at me anyway. So, I have to tell you..... I found out from Matty today that she's sending me on a deep undercover operation."

It takes a moment for the depth of his news to set in, and even then, I'm uncertain where this leaves us. "Okay. What does that mean exactly? Does it mean that you won't have any contact with me on this mission?"

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