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A/N: Hey everyone, I know what you're all thinking; where the heck has she been?! I know, and I am sorry once again for leaving you guys hanging for too long. A lot has been happening recently in my life, and I haven't had much time for writing. With that said, welcome back! Here I (FINALLY) bring you the second part to "'When we were Young,'" as promised! This also combines (very old... again, I'm sorry) requests from Saajad and  ElizabethDodson0 . Happy reading! 📚🤓📖
Song: "18" by One Direction
Rating: Everyone


"I'm sorry, Mac, but I can't."

...An eternity seems to pass as I turn and step away, trying to prevent the welling tears from cascading over the brim of my eyelids. The walk from the diner's door to my car seems like a trek across the Sahara Desert. Just get back to the car, I think to myself. Then, I can break down, I can scream, I can cry - whatever I need to do. But, I can't cry in front of him; I won't let myself. I can't make this situation worse than it already is.

"I got a heart, and I got a soul. Believe me, I will use them both. We made a start, be it a false one, I know. Baby, I don't want to feel alone, so kiss me where I lay down."

I'm almost there- back to the safety zone of my own thoughts and space - until I hear a voice call out behind me, "Y/N! Please don't go."

Stopping dead in my tracks, I close my eyes and sigh regretfully. Mac, why do you have to make this so difficult? I wonder sorrowfully to myself.

I quickly wipe my eyes on by sleeve and take a deep, cleansing breath through my nose, before I turn around and see Mac jogging up to me, concern and confusion etched across his forehead and piercing blue eyes.

"Mac, please don't..."

"No, Y/N, listen. I don't want you to go."

"Then give me a reason to trust you," I say without letting myself think first, and in a tone that's much firmer than I had intended.

Mac appears to contemplate for a moment before he admits, "I can't. I can't give you a reason to trust me because you were right; I broke your trust. But, I'll tell you the same thing I said moments ago... We were so young back then. We're different people now; you can't deny that. It's clear now that we both still feel something for one another, so why not give it another try? Think about it all - The two of us being at the same event last night, you coming to talk to me, being here right now... We can't ignore a sign like this." 

And this moment is is one of those where I am faced with one of the high-stakes, pivotal crossroads this life loves to throw in our path - do I turn left or right? Do I take the road I've already traveled once before, or do I make a U-turn and go back in the other direction? Do I allow myself to make the choice that could either lead to the greatest love story of my life or the worst pain I've ever felt? These crossroads have proven to be one of my greatest enemies and worst downfalls because, historically, I've always made the wrong choices in these moments.

"To be loved and to be in love. All I can do is say that these arms are made for holding you, oh-oh. I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18."

So, I have no earthly idea why my mouth says its next phrase. "You know what? You're right, Mac. We have to at least try. We owe that to our 18-year-old selves."


Months later, Mac and I are hanging out one evening at Mac's house, with all of our friends - new and old. We've been going steady for awhile now. Maybe Mac was right. Maybe we're different now; we've grown; we've changed. Maybe I made the right choice after all.

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