"Fix You"

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A/N: Hi everyone, and welcome back. Fair warning, this particular story is a heavy one. It's one that I've been wanting to write but couldn't bring myself to finish for a while. ⚠️Warning: this story contains mentions of abuse and could be a trigger for some people. With that said, I hope it may also help anyone who is struggling with a difficult past. My advice, from experience, is to remember that it may take quite a while, but with time comes healing. Much love 💛
Song: "Fix You" by Coldplay
Rating: Sensitive/Mature content


Thursday mornings are usually nothing special. But, lately they're a highlight of my week, especially when I have a yoga class planned with one of my new best friends, Riley Davis.

After one of the most relaxing yoga classes I've had in a while, she and I are waking down the street to a coffee shop nearby to treat ourselves for a job well done with some much needed caffeine. As we walk, I take a sip from my water bottle, enjoying the springtime LA breeze on my face. To make conversation, Riley asks, "So, are you excited for this weekend?"

I pretend I have to think about what she's talking about for a moment, but in reality, this coming weekend is all I've been able to think about for three weeks. A dreadful anxious feeling fills the pit of my stomach when I think about it again.

"I guess so," I reply vaguely, attempting to avoid excess attention on this particular topic of conversation.

"What do you mean you 'guess so?' You and Mac are going away together out of the city for a long weekend... for the first time. It sounds pretty romantic to me, if you know what I mean." She raises a suggestive eyebrow at me, but I refuse to take the bait, clearing my throat.

I keep my response vague, "Yeah, I guess it does."

She suddenly stops on the street, pulling my arm a bit. "Come on Y/N, what's up with you?"

"Nothing is up. I just don't want to put pressure on one weekend."

"Ok, fair enough." She concurs and raises her hands in defense before we finally reach the shop. She opens the door and walks in ahead of me. I heave a sigh, looking to the sky to clear my frantic mind. Why does this have to be so difficult?


Two days, and a hefty amount of stressing, later, that fateful weekend arrives. Mac picks me up from my apartment and we start our six hour trek from LA to Napa Valley for Mac's Army friend's wedding.

Wine country - its truly such a perfect place for a wedding - secluded, romantic, and filled with hints of nature. And, honestly, the trip starts out as the perfect weekend... from peaceful strolls with Mac through the vineyard, hand-in-hand... to never-ending unique wine-tastings... to meeting Mac's old Army friends and hearing stories of his past.

Being here with him feels just right... That is until the night of the wedding.

We're at the wedding reception and I'm watching Mac smile and laugh with his old friends while I nurse my fourth glass of wine... or maybe it's my fifth. I lost count a while ago.

Why did this wedding have to be in damned wine country? I silently curse myself as my head swims. I always over-drink when I'm nervous, which never ends well for me. I decide I have to cut myself off before I dig myself any deeper. So, I sit my half-empty glass of Merlot down just as Mac strides his way back to me with a large smile. He takes my hand in his. "I think things are starting to unwind. What do you say to one last dance before we call it a night?"

I smile genuinely. "I would love that."

So, he holds me close while we sway on the dance floor, the fingers of his one hand laced in mine, the other hand resting on the small of my back. His smile, the twinkle in his eyes, the way he looks at me, the way I feel about him... it's all perfect.

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