"Fire Meet Gasoline"

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A/N: Hey everyone! How are you guys? I'm so happy to finally bring you this story, which I started developing a very long time ago but never finished... until now! As always, I hope you guys like it! 💖💕
Song: "Fire Meet Gasoline" by Sia
Rating: Everyone


"It's dangerous to fall in love, but I wanna burn with you tonight. Hurt me. There's two of us, we're certain with desire. The pleasure's pain and fire. Burn me."

"Oh, come on, MacGyver! Is that the best you've got?" I wink deceitfully at Angus MacGyver as he stands a few feet away from me on the softball field's home base. He smiles effortlessly, bat in hand, red baseball cap hooding his ocean blue eyes, and chiseled body adorned in his red Phoenix Foundation team jersey with MACGYVER written in all caps on the back.

"Trash talk is not a good look on you, Y/L/N," my 'arch-nemesis' and long time rival, retorts back to me after taking (and missing) his first swing. He readjusts his baseball cap, hiding the blue of his eyes even more, and test swings his bat a few times. He licks his lips in that way that tells me I've gotten under his skin just enough to make him nervous. I just grin mischievously like the Cheshire cat, pleased with the way I can always rile him up. "I just wasn't ready the first time. I've got you this time," Mac insists.

I shrug and roll my eyes before stretching and swinging my arm, letting another ball fly his way - which he misses yet again. "You were saying?"

"Those were just warm up swings. I've got you this time."

And, of course, he's right. I let Mac's third and final ball hurl in his direction and hear the thwack of his bat hitting the ball, before it goes sailing through the air, across the field.

Mac makes a run for it around the diamond field, as I head for home base, catching the ball midair from one of my trusty teammates, and tapping Mac out right before he rounds the diamond and lands on home base.

"Haha! You're out! You lose, and I win yet again!"

He smiles coyly, brushing the dirt off his pants. "I will get you one of these days, Y/L/N. That's a promise."

"In your dreams, MacGyver."

...What I didn't know at the time was that he would be correct about that - just not in the way either of us expected.

"So come on, I'll take you on, take you on. I ache for love, ache for us. Why don't you come, don't you come a little closer? So come on now, strike the match, strike the match now. We're a perfect match, perfect somehow. We were meant for one another, come a little closer."

But, okay, let me rewind and explain this interesting relationship the two of us have. Angus MacGyver and I have been, what shall we call it?... feuding... ever since we met each other in middle school. In fact, some would say we used to be friends back then when my family moved to Mission City, CA. Like most kids who start at a brand new school in the middle of a school year, I was nervous and awkward. But, Mac took to me right away. We grew close. But, the problem with our friendship was that we've both always been too intelligent - and too stubborn - for our own good. Even back then, everything between us became a contest - from exam grades, to who would finish assignments first, to who could answer the most questions during lectures. The rivalry only grew from there - all the way through high school. Then, when we went our separate ways after graduation, we both thought the rivalry had been over for good. That is, until we met again at our very first government agency-sponsored softball game. This game is a tradition - one where the CIA and Phoenix Foundation get together every year and compete in a not-so-friendly game of skill and wit.

The best part of this arrangement is that, every year, Mac and I get a taste of what it was like back in school to trash-talk one another and fulfill our need for some fierce competition. But, the part that really floors Mac is that the CIA, meaning me, wins Every. Single. Year.

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