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A/N: This one is a little different than my others so far, and there's definitely some drama in there! It's an idea I came up with a long time ago, and part of it is inspired by the song "Goodbye" by Chris Young. So, the song will make sense if you read through to the end. Feel free to give me some feedback in the comments, and if you enjoy please give it a vote! Happy imagining!
Rating: Everyone


It's crazy how life can change in a moment's time. One moment you can see your future as clearly as if you were living it now, but the next a huge wrench gets thrown in the plans you thought you had. One moment there's hope, and the next you've lost it all. One moment you're happy, truly happy, then the next you're wondering how on Earth you got here.... And that's exactly what you're feeling right now...

As you awaken, you feel a pounding, throbbing ache in your head. Your eyes slowly open to a dull and dusty room surrounding you. The concrete walls make the atmosphere cold, and the damp air sends a chill through your body. You smell a faint tinge of mold and mildew as you try to find your breath and calm your racing heart. Before your eyes are even completely opened, you can sense that your arms and feet are strapped down to the chair you're currently seated in.

What the hell happened?  you ask yourself as you try to recall how you ended up here.

You remember being at home, well at Mac's place, which might as well be your place since you spend most of your time there anyway. It had been an interesting day, to say the least, so you decided to walk out onto the terrace for some fresh air and a calm atmosphere. Instead, you found the complete opposite. In an instant, you remember feeling someone grab you from behind and force you to the ground. After that, you must have blacked out because you can't remember anything up until right now, waking up in what seems to be some old, abandoned concrete building.

But, why? Who would want to do that? Who would want to kidnap me, and what do they want from me?  You wonder, thoroughly perplexed .

Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear a loud door creak and footsteps walk down a set of concrete steps to your left. The steps are slow and rhythmic, almost tantalizing.

"Oh, Y/N. It's so nice of you to join us," you hear a sinister voice echo. "I bet you've got a BUNCH of questions swimming around in that pretty little head of yours. And I may just have all the answers for you."

You watch a scrawny man approach with short, dark hair and small eyes, dressed from head to toe in black.

"What are you talking about. Who are you?" You ask cautiously.

"Let's just say I'm a friend of MacGyver's. We go waaaay back. But, I'm sure he's never mentioned me... Rather rude if I do say so myself... Actually, I bet little Angus has failed to tell you a LOT of things." The man approaches until he is just inches from your face, beady eyes staring deep into your soul. "You, my darling, may be quite shocked to find out that your precious little MacGyver isn't exactly who he claims to be," he suggests matter-of-factly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. What do you want from me?" you plead.

"Oh, it's not you who I want. It's your leach-like parasite of a boyfriend who I'm really after. But, you see, I'm neither naïve nor stupid, so I have come to the foreseen conclusion that the best way to get to him," he declares pointing toward the steps, "is to get to you," he finishes, pointing a finger directly at you. "You see, good-boy Angus wants to pretend that he's the hero in this story. The girl gets kidnapped by the big, bad villain, so he comes to the rescue and saves her. Oh, but no, no, no. Today - today is when I write my own story. I know he's coming for you... and I'll be ready for him," he snarls with his rat-like eyes penetrating right through you. "In fact, this is all part of my plan. And, good news! We are Right. On. Schedule," he celebrates while looking at his watch. "I'm so sorry that you had to find out about your little knight in shining armor this way. I imagine he'll be rather angry that I spilled the beans on his little cover," the man admits, sarcasm dripping from his words.

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